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1. Bad-mouthing your manager. 對你的經理說三道四。
Yes, we all need to complain about our managers now and then. Just don’t overdo it, and assume that anything you say could get back to your manager. Besides, when you constantly bash your boss, what does it say about you? That you’re stupid enough to put up with working for a jerk?


2. Making excuses. 找藉口
When a mistake is made, just own up to it and fix it. No lame excuses, finder pointing, blaming, drama, etc…be accountable!

3.Take five. After the deep breath, give yourself five minutes to get settled in, says Michael “Dr. Woody” Woodward, PhD, organizational psychologist and author of The YOU Plan. “This is a good way to set the tone of the day. Don’t allow yourself to be bum rushed by frantic co-workers lost in their own confusion.” It’s not unusual to wake up to a long backlog of e-mails just screaming for your attention, he adds. “The challenge is taking a moment for yourself before diving head first into your day.” 休息五分鐘。心理學家和《“你”計劃》的作者邁克爾伍德沃德(伍德博士)說,深呼吸後,給自己五分鐘去靜下心來,“這是定下一天基調的好方法。不要讓那些陷入困惑的同事影響你的腳步。”長期積壓的郵件叫囂着吸引你的注意並不是不常見的,他補充道,“你的挑戰是在開始你一天工作之前爲自己留下一點空隙。”

4.Don’t be moody. You’ll want to pay attention to your mood and be aware of its effect on others. “First and last thing in the day is when emotional intelligence can have the greatest impact,” Shindler says. So if you’re not a “morning person,” try to suck it up and have a positive attitude when you arrive at the office. Grab a second or third cup of coffee, if that’s what it takes. Kerr agrees. “Your first hour at work can set your ‘attitude barometer’ for the rest of the day, so from a purely emotional point of view, I think it’s an important part of the day,” he says. “One morning grump can infect an entire team and put everyone on the wrong footing.” 不要情緒化。你要注意你的情緒以及情緒對其他事情的影響。辛德勒認爲,“情商對每天的第一件事和最後一件事有很大影響。”所以,如果你不是一個喜歡早起的人,試着接受它,積極樂觀地走進辦公室。如果有必要的話,多喝一杯或者兩杯咖啡。 克爾贊成這一點,他說,“工作的第一個小時可以定下你一整天的態度,所以從單純的情感角度來講,我認爲這是一天中非常重要的一小時。一大早就發牢騷會影響整個團隊,使大家出師不利。”

5.Check in with your colleagues. “A quick 5 to 10 minute team huddle can also be an effective way for many people to start their day,” Kerr says. Make it a short meeting, with no chairs, have everyone share their top goal for the day, and share any critical information the rest of the team absolutely needs to know, he says. “Doing the huddles helps people focus and more importantly, connects everyone with the team. And by sharing your goals for the day publicly, the odds of achieving them rise substantially.” 和你的同事做簡單的分享。“5到10分鐘的集會有助於許多人開始他們的一天。”克爾說。開一個短會,不要椅子,每個人分享一下他們一天的工作目標以及其他人需要知道的有用信息。克爾認爲,“集會有幫助大家集中注意力,更重要的是,可以團結整個隊伍。而且當衆分享你的目標,可以提升目標實現的機率。



