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ing-bottom: 48.59%;">鹿晗的英文名是什麼意思翻譯



1. He then earned his Masters Degree in chemistry from the University of Buenos Aries.

2. Areddy in Shanghai, Jeffrey Ng in Hong Kong and Aries Poon in Taipei contributed to this article.

3. Research on my new sign, Aries, tells me that I should be headstrong and courageous, possibly even fearless.

4. As in the previous two events, the Navy shot down an Aries rocket simulating a Scud class short to medium range missile.

5. While the U.S. men may have lost a step in the sprints, that didn't stop Aries Merritt from taking perhaps the most hotly contested event in the Olympics, the 110-meter hurdles, in a personal-best 12.92.

6. Those looking for ski-in, ski-out lodging can bunk up at the Aries Hotel, Acuario Hotel, Escorpio Hotel, Piscis Hotel and Virgo Hotel, all large-scale luxury accommodations located at the base.


The center of the dance floor, the gold medal for the hostess hot body and excellent eloquence will all focus on themiddle of the dance floor, will ignite the enthusiasm of the audience, the audience lit cigarettes and desire. Rockshow crazy hot song hot dance Madden, bold and bold, humorous comedy magic. Passionate music mixed with the audience screaming cheers you on the top of the highest point of the passion, the passion you heart, also like drunk eyes, together with the smoke filled illusion with the colorful the world with light, the colorful aperture, purple smoke filled the air, there is always someone, that person is me, I drove from Shenzhen to here, as is to. This is a terrible name smells make people afraid. Think of what aclubbing people, not for this purpose, but its name and argument for myself, that is to decompression, pleasures

》》》》下一頁更多精彩“鹿晗的詳細信息”  鹿晗的英文作文2

Exo is a very famous group,from the SM e are 12 members,8 are Korean,4 are are very handsome young man,and they are good at singing and n is a very lovely boy,he has a clear eyes,like a blue lake,he is from Beijing China,he is very warm and very kind,and he has a lot of fans.I love him very much!


i love luhan 90 years was born in April 20th in Beijing, the development in China and South Korea and overseas multifaceted Chinese nationality male singer, actor. In 2008 went to South Korea to study abroad, study abroad during the S.M Entertainment company talent scout unearthed in Myeong Dong shopping, signed in 2010 to become its trainee. In December 27, 2011 through the EXO website discloses portrait and the trailer to meet with the public. In April 8, 2012 EXO/EXO-M combined membership debut, in combination as vocalist, lead dancer, facade bear.


鹿晗(LU HAN),1990年4月20日出生於北京海淀區,中國內地影視男演員、歌手。

2008年赴韓國留學期間在明洞逛街時,被韓國SM娛樂有限公司星探發掘成爲旗下練習生。2012年4月以韓國男子組合EXO/EXO-M成員正式出道,組合內擔任主唱、領舞、門面擔當 。

2014年8月,個人微博單條評論創吉尼斯世界紀錄,成爲中文社交媒體上的首位吉尼斯世界紀錄獲得者 。10月,申請與SM公司合同無效,於2016年7月19日達成和解 。

2015年1月,主演的首部電影《重返20歲》上映,憑藉此片獲第22屆北京大學生電影節最受歡迎男演員獎 。5月,登《福布斯》雜誌中文版封面 。8月,加盟綜藝節目《奔跑吧兄弟第三季》 。10月,主演的懸疑電影《我是證人》上映 。12月,個人首張專輯《Reloaded(重啓)》全球發行 。

2016年6月,參加浙江衛視綜藝節目《我去上學啦第二季》 。7月,代言卡地亞 。8月,主演的電影《盜墓筆記》上映,在片中飾演男主角吳邪 。12月,榮登“中國90後10大影響力人物”榜首,並以2.7億財富居2016“中國90後富豪榜”第五位 ;同月,主演的由張藝謀執導的好萊塢電影《長城》在全球正式公映,在片中飾演士兵彭勇 。

2017年1月,首次登上央視春節聯歡晚會演唱歌曲《愛你一萬年》 。主演古裝玄幻劇《擇天記》 於4月17日起登陸湖南衛視每週一至週四晚十點八集連播 。

2017年1月9日,由蜷川實花執導的專輯主打曲《微白城市》MV發佈 。1月19日,《Skin To Skin》MV正式上線 。1月27日,2017年央視雞年春晚,鹿晗演唱《愛你一萬年》。 2月6日,清流資本聯合新生代現象級優質偶像藝人鹿晗、新希望集團宣佈,共同成立清晗基金。 2月20日,錄製《奔跑吧》 。2月21日,數字專輯《Venture》發佈,至此,鹿晗已發佈數字專輯總銷量突破1000萬 。4月17日起,主演的古裝玄幻劇《擇天記》 登陸湖南衛視每週一至週四晚十點八集連播 。4月19日,發行mini數字專輯《Imagination》 。5月4日,參加央視“五月的鮮花”文藝匯演,演唱《勳章》,並獲共青團中宣部頒發的“五四優秀青年”獎項 。









