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ing-bottom: 118.96%;">運動醫學相關詞彙中英對照

比哆醇 ( 維生素B6 ) == pyroxidine ( vitamin B6 )

α生育酚 ( 維生素E ) == alpha tocopherol ( vitamin E )

α波 ( 腦波 ) == alpha wave ( brainwave )

β波 ( 腦波 ) == beta wave ( brainwave )

δ波 ( 腦波 ) == delta wave ( brainwave )

θ波 ( 腦波 ) == theta wave ( brainwave )

ABO 系統 ( 血型 ) == ABO system ( blood group )

B 細胞 == B cell

Rh 系統 == rhesus system

Rh 陰性 ( Rh 系統 ) == rhesus-negative ( rhesus system )

Rh 陽性 ( Rh 系統 ) == rhesus-positive ( rhesus system )

T 細胞 == T cell

X 光 ( 放射線攝影術 ) == X-ray ( radiography )

X 染色體 ( 性染色體 ) == X chromosome ( sex chromosome )

Y 染色體 ( 性染色體 ) == Y chromosome ( sex chromosome )


乙狀結腸( 結腸 ) == sigmoid colon ( colon )


二尖瓣( 心瓣膜 ) == bicuspid valve ( heart valve )

二尖齒( 前臼齒 ) == bicuspid ( premolar )

二倍體細胞 == diploid cell

二氧化碳( 無機化合物 ) == carbon dioxidel / CO2 ( inorganie compound )

人口( 死亡率 ) == population ( mortality rate )

人工腎臟( 透析 ) == artificial kidney ( dialysis )

人工節律器( 竇房結 ) == artificial pacemaker ( sinoatrial node )

人工瓣膜( 心瓣膜 ) == artificial valve ( heart valve )

人工關節 == artificial joint

人字縫( 骨縫 ) == lambdoid suture ( suture )

人乳( 乳汁 ) == human milk ( milk )

人體生物學 == human biology ( biology )

人類免疫不全病毒(人類免疫不全病毒) == Human Immunodeficiency virus ( HIV)

人類基因組計畫( 基因組 ) == Human Genome Project ( gemone )

人體系統 == body system

十二指腸 == duodemun


三甘油酯( 脂肪 ) == triglyceride ( fat )

三尖瓣( 心瓣膜 ) == tricuspid valve ( heart valve )

三角肌 == deltoid

三角骨( 腕骨 ) == triquetrum ( carpal )

三胞胎( 多胎妊娠 ) == triplets ( multiple pregnancy )

三級支氣管( 支氣管 ) == tertiary bronchus ( bronchus )

下位的 == inferior

下直肌( 眼直肌 ) == inferior rectus ( rectus eye muscle )

下肢 == lower extremity

下食道括約肌( 幽門括約肌 ) == lower oesophageal sphincter ( pyloric sphincter )

下脣降肌( 口輪匝肌 ) == depressor labii inferioris ( orbicularis oris )

下斜肌( 眼斜肌 ) == inferior oblique ( oblique eye muscle )

下腔靜脈( 腔靜脈 ) == inferior vena cava ( vena cava )

下視丘 == hypothalamus

下鼻甲( 顏面骨 ) == inferior nasal coneha ( facial bone )

下頜( 頜骨 ) == lower jaw ( jaw )

下頜骨( 顏面骨 ) == mandible ( facial bone )

下臂( 上肢 ) == lower arm ( upper extremity )

上皮( 上皮組織 ) == epithelium ( epithelial tissue )

上皮組織 == epithelial tissue

上位的 == superior

上直肌( 眼直肌 ) == superior rectus ( rectus eye muscle )

上肢 == upper extremity

上脣提肌( 口輪匝肌 ) == levator labii superioris ( orbicularis oris )

上斜肌( 眼斜肌 ) == superior oblique ( sblique eye muscle )

上腔靜脈( 腔靜脈 ) == superior vena cave ( vena cave )

上頜( 頜骨 ) == upper jaw ( jaw )

上頜骨( 顏面骨 ) == maxilla / maxillae ( facial bone )

上臂( 上肢 ) == upper arm ( upper extremity)

上顎犬齒( 犬齒 ) == eye teeth ( canine )

上瞼提肌( 眼輪匝肌 ) == levator palpebrae superioris ( orbicularis oculi )

丸,丸劑( 避孕用具 ) == pill ( contraceptive )

千卡( 千焦耳 ) == kilocalorie / kcal ( kilojoule )

千焦耳( kj ) == kilojoule ( kh )

口 == mouth

口角降肌( 笑肌 ) == depressor anguli oris ( risorius )

口角提肌( 笑肌) == levator anguli oris ( risorius )

口渴( 營養 ) == thirst ( nutrition )

口腔( 口 ) == oral cavity ( mouth )

口輪匝肌 == orbicularis oris

大分子( 分子 ) == macromolecule ( molecule )

大陰脣( 陰道 ) == labia majora ( vagina )

大量營養素 == macronutrient

大腸 == large intestine

大腦 == cerebrum

大腦半球( 大腦 ) == cerebral hemisphere ( cerebrum )

大腦疲質( 大腦 ) == cerebral cortex ( cerebrum )

大腿( 下肢 ) == thigh ( lower extremity )

大腿( 下肢 ) == upper leg ( lower cxtremity )

大腿骨( 股骨 ) == thighbone ( femur )

小腸 == small intestine

小腦 == cerebellum

小葉( 肝細胞 ) == lobule ( hepatocyte )

小葉( 肝 ) == lobule ( lung )

小腿( 下肢 ) == lower leg ( lower extremity )

小靜脈( 靜脈 ) == venule ( vein )

干擾素 == interferon

弓 == arch

內呼吸( 呼吸 ) == internal respiration ( reapiration )

內直肌( 眼直肌 ) == medial rectus ( rectus eye muscle )

內胚層( 分化 ) == endoderm ( differentiation )

內側的 == medial

內斜肌( 外斜肌 ) == internal oblique ( external oblique )

內視鏡( 內視鏡檢查 ) == endoscope ( endoscopy )

內視鏡檢查 == endoscopy

內質網 == endoplasmic reticulum / ER

六零六( 艾希利 ) == salvarsan ( Paul Ehrlich )

分子 == molecule

分化 == differentiation

分泌( 腺體 ) == secretion ( gland )

分娩( 生產 ) == parturition ( birth )

分娩第一期( 陣痛 ) == first stage of labour ( labour )

分娩第二期( 分娩 ) == second stage of labour ( laborur )

分娩第三期( 分娩 ) == third stage of labour ( labour )

分裂球( 卵裂 ) == blastomere ( cleavage )

分節 == segmentation

分葉( 肺 ) == segment ( lung )

分解代謝 == catabolism

分解代謝反應( 分解代謝 ) == catabolic reaction ( catabolism )

分解激素 == hormone breaddown

化學反應 == chemical reaction

化學抵抗 == chemical resistance

化合物 == chemical compound

化學能( 能量 ) == chemical energy ( energy )

化學受器 == chemoreceptor

化學鍵 == chemical bond

升結腸( 結腸 ) == ascending colon ( colon )

反射 == reflelx

反射弧 == reflex arc

反應( 刺激 ) == response ( stimulus )

天花 == smallpox

尺神經 == ulnar nerve


