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ing-bottom: 100%;">譯林版初一下冊英語第八單元語法題及答案

Ⅰ. 單項選擇

( ) 1. — Your cat looks very    .

— Thanks. She is also quite clever.

A. lovely B. suddenly C. badly D. carefully

( ) 2. — Your cousin sings so     .

— Of course. We all think she is a      singer.

A. good; good B. well; good C. well; well D. good; well

( ) 3. — A dog is a     animal, right?

— Yes. My dog runs very     .

A. quick; quickly B. quick; quick C. quickly; quick D. quickly; quickly

( ) 4. — I need a new watch, Mum.

— Why? I don’t think there is     wrong with your old one.

A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

( ) 5. — Is there      in the classroom?

— No. There is   in it.

A. anybody; nobody B. somebody; nobody

C. anybody; anybody D. somebody; anybody

( ) 6. — The Brain (《最強大腦》) is really a wonderful show.      loves it.

— Yes. It shows people’s amazing abilities.

A. Someone B. Anyone C. No one D. Everyone

Ⅱ. 閱讀下面的對話,從方框裏選擇合適的複合不定代詞填空。

anywhere, somebody, everybody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, everything, nothing

Nancy: Hey, Ann! How are you?

Ann: Fine. (1)     is going well.

Nancy: That’s good. Did you go (2)     yesterday?

Ann: Yes, I went to watch the film Frozen (《冰雪奇緣》).

Nancy: Who did you go to the cinema with?

Ann: I didn’t go there with (3)     else. You know, (4)     in my family was free yesterday. (5)    was busy.

Nancy: So did you enjoy the film?

Ann: Yes. I enjoyed (6)     in the film, the music, the colours and the story. You must go to see it this afternoon.

Nancy: I am afraid I can’t.

Ann: Why not? Do you have (7)     important to do?

Nancy: (8)    is coming to visit us. I want to cook him (9)     nice to eat.

Ann: Millie can help you, right?

Nancy: No, she can’t. She can do (10)     but boil (煮) eggs.

Ⅲ. 完成句子。

A. 根據要求改寫下列句子。

1. I found nothing special in the house. (改爲同義句)

I                special in the house.

2. We met someone on our way here. (改爲一般疑問句)

you           on your way here?

3. Somebody cleaned the room yesterday. (改爲否定含義的句子)

the room yesterday.

4. pretty, the, beautiful, singing, is, a, song, girl. (連詞成句)

B. 根據所給的漢語意思完成句子。

5. 我認爲飯後吃水果沒什麼不對。

I don’t think there is                eating fruit after meals.

6. 不是每個人都對養寵物感興趣。

interested in          .

7. 有些鳥聰明到可以重複一些單詞

Some birds are           to              .

8. 我的小狗總是看起來很開心。

My dog looks happy



Ⅱ. 1. Everything 2. anywhere 3. anybody 4. nobody 5. Everybody 6. everything 7. anything

8. Somebody 9. something 10. nothing

Ⅲ. 1. didn’t find anything 2. Did; meet anyone 3. Nobody cleaned

4. The pretty girl is singing a beautiful song. 5. anything wrong with

6. Not everyone/everybody is; keeping pets

7. clever enough; repeat some words 8. all the time


1.初一上冊英語Unit 1同步練習題及答案





