
加州槍擊案可能是恐怖襲擊 Barack Obama says California shooting could be terrorism

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ing-bottom: 68.29%;">加州槍擊案可能是恐怖襲擊 Barack Obama says California shooting could be terrorism

President Barack Obama said on Thursday that the California shooting that left at least 14 people dead and wounded 21 others could be related to terrorism, but left open the potential that a workplace grievance may have been the motive.

週四,美國總統巴拉克攠巴馬(Barack Obama)表示,導致至少14人死亡、21人受傷的加州槍擊案可能與恐怖主義有關,不過他並未完全排除職場受委屈是殺人動機的可能性。

In a sign that authorities are considering the possibility of terrorism, the US president said the FBI had taken over the investigation from local authorities. But he said the motive for the attack in San Bernardino was still unclear and could be a mix of issues.


The two suspects killed in a shootout with police on Wednesday were identified as Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, 29. They had a massive arsenal of weapons on them during the shooting and at their residence in nearby Redlands, according to Jarrod Burguan, the San Bernardino police chief.

週三與警方槍戰中喪生的兩名嫌疑人,身份分別被確認爲28歲的賽義德里茲萬法魯克(Syed Rizwan Farook)和他的妻子、29歲的塔什芬氠利克(Tashfeen Malik)。根據聖貝納迪諾警察局長賈羅德伯古安(Jarrod Burguan)的說法,槍擊案發生時他們隨身攜帶大量武器,而他們在附近雷德蘭茲的住所也同樣有大量武器。

“It’s possible that this is terrorist-related but we don’t know,” said Mr Obama in an Oval Office briefing, flanked by Vice-President Joe Biden, the FBI director James Comey and Loretta Lynch, attorney-general. “Our expectation is that this may take some time [to sort out]. There may be mixed motives.”

在橢圓辦公室內的一次情況簡要介紹中,奧巴馬錶示:“該事件可能與恐怖分子有關,但我們並不確認。我們預計這個問題也許要過一段時間(纔會弄清楚)。也許存在多種動機。”奧巴馬發表上述講話時,美國副總統喬拜登(Joe Biden)、FBI局長詹姆斯科米(James Comey)和司法部長洛蕾塔霠奇(Loretta Lynch)在其身邊陪同。

The suspects fired up to 75 rounds of ammunition at the Inland Regional Center, which provides services for more than 30,200 people with disabilities in Riverside and San Bernardino counties, said Mr Burguan. Authorities also found three pipe bombs combined into one device that was tied to a remote control toy car that failed to work.

伯古安表示,嫌疑人在Inland Regional Center總共發射了75發子彈。當局還找到一個由三節管狀炸彈捆綁成的裝置,綁在一個遙控玩具車上,不過未能爆炸。Inland Regional Center是一個服務中心,爲河濱市和聖貝納迪諾市3.02萬殘障人士提供服務。

The suspects shot another 76 rifle rounds in the stand-off with police that followed a hunt for them. In all, they had a stockpile of about 6,000 rounds of ammunition, while 12 pipe bombs were found at their home, in addition to hundreds of tools that could be used to construct improvised explosive devices and pipe bombs, said Mr Burguan.



