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By the time John pulled into the little town, every hotel room was taken. "you.#39;ve got to have a room somewhere." he pleaded1. "Or just a bed--I don't care where."

ing-bottom: 40%;">雙語幽默故事—一個睡覺的地方

"Well, I do have a double room with one occupant," admitted the manager, "and he might be glad to split2 the cost. But to tell you the truth, he snores so loudly that people inadjoining3 rooms have complained in the past. I'm not sure it'd be worth it to you."

"No problem," the tired traveler assured4 him. "I'll take it."

約翰開車來到這座小鎮時,旅館已客滿。“肯定還有空房的,” 他懇求道,“或是隻要一張牀,睡哪裏都行。”

“好吧,我這兒確實有個雙人間,不過只有一個住客,” 旅館經理答道,“有人分擔房費他會很高興的。可是實話告訴你,他打呼嚕的聲音太大了,住在隔壁的人都抱怨過。不知你這樣是否划得來。”

“沒問題,” 旅途勞頓的約翰向他保證道,“就要這間了。”

The next morning, John came down to breakfast bright-eyed and bushy-tailed(鬆軟的,模糊的). When asked about how he slept, he replied, "Never better."

The manager was impressed. "No problem with the other guy snoring, then?"

"Nope. I shut him up in no time."




"How'd you manage that?"

"He was already in bed, snoring away, when I came in the room," John said. "I went over, gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, 'Goodnight, beautiful.' With that he sat up all night watching me."


“我進去時他已經睡着了,不停地打着呼嚕。” 約翰說,“我便走過去,在他臉上親了一下,說了聲‘晚安,美人兒。’ 於是他整晚再沒睡,一直盯着我。”


