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2021年1月20日,由中國科學院院士和中國工程院院士投票評選的2020年中國十大科技進展新聞(the top 10 news stories of scientific and technological progress)在京揭曉。該評選是由中國科學院、中國工程院主辦,中國科學院學部工作局、中國工程院辦公廳、中國科學報社承辦,騰訊集團發展研究辦公室協辦。


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01 嫦娥五號完成我國首次地外天體採樣返回之旅


Chang'e 5's mission is the most complex and technologically-advanced space project in China. It is of great significance to the country in upgrading space technology, improving the lunar exploration system and carrying out lunar scientific research, as well as organizing lunar and interplanetary exploration missions that will follow.


02 北斗三號最後一顆全球組網衛星發射成功



China successfully launched the 55th satellite of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, the last of the BDS-3 system, by using a Long March 3B rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Southwest China's Sichuan province.


03 我國無人潛水器和載人潛水器均取得新突破


Unmanned submersible Haidou-1, developed by the Shenyang Institute of Automation of CAS, returned from sea trials aboard the scientific research vessel Exploration 1 on June 8. During this voyage, Haidou-1 set a new record by submerging 10,907 meters under the Pacific Ocean's surface at the Mariana Trench, the deepest area in the world.




During this expedition, Fendouzhe set a national diving record of 10,909 meters in the Mariana Trench, marking the fact China has achieved a leading position in the world in the field of manned deep diving. It also will help scientists understand the composition and evolution of organisms in the abyssal seabed, mineral deposits and seamount volcanic rocks, as well as the role of deep-sea trenches in monitoring the climate.

04 我國率先實現水平井鑽採深海可燃冰



On March 26, the Ministry of Natural Resources announced that China had extracted a record amount of flammable ice during the second trial exploration in the South China Sea, with about 28,700 cubic meters collected per day and a total of 861,400 cubic meters extracted.

此次試採攻克了深海淺軟地層水平井鑽採核心技術,實現了從探索性試採向試驗性試採的重大跨越,在產業化進程中取得標誌性成果。我國也成爲全球首個採用水平井鑽採技術試採海域天然氣水合物的國家(the first country in the world to adopt the horizontal well-drilling technique to trial mining gas hydrates in the sea)。

05 科學家找到小麥“癌症”剋星



Fusarium head blight is a fungal disease that devastates wheat production and is difficult to control worldwide, and is known as the "cancer" of wheat. Kong Lingrang, a professor from Shandong Agricultural University, led his team to clone for the first time the gene Fhb7 from a wheat relative. The gene was proved effective in resisting the disease and was successfully transferred into wheat varieties.


06 科學家達到“量子計算優越性”里程碑


Pan Jianwei and Lu Chaoyang, professors at the University of Science and Technology of China in East China's Anhui province, in collaboration with researchers from the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology, CAS, have created a light-based quantum computer called Jiuzhang.

The machine enabled China to reach its first milestone in quantum computing research that can demonstrate quantum supremacy, or quantum advantage, meaning the device can solve a problem no traditional supercomputer can tackle in any feasible amount of time.


07 科學家重現地球3億多年生物多樣性變化歷史



Fan Junxuan and Shen Shuzhong, a professor and an academician, respectively, at Nanjing University in East China's Jiangsu province, built their own database, developed artificial intelligence algorithms and used the Tianhe II supercomputer to make the breakthrough, producing the world's first high-precision curve demonstrating the change of marine biodiversity over the 300 million years of the Paleozoic Era, with a resolution 400 times higher than similar international studies.


08 我國最高參數“人造太陽”建成


The new generation of China's "artificial sun", known as HL-2M Tokamak, a nuclear fusion installation, realized its first plasma discharge on Dec 4 in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan province. It will help further development of humanity's quest for the future of energy.


The project was designed and built independently by the Southwest Institute of Physics of the Nuclear Industry of the China National Nuclear Corporation. Designed to replicate the natural reactions that occur in the sun using hydrogen and deuterium gases as fuels, the apparatus will provide clean energy through controlled nuclear fusion. It is the country's largest in scale and highest in parameters.


09 科學家攻克20餘年懸而未決的幾何難題


Chen Xiuxiong and Wang Bing, professors at the University of Science and Technology of China, have successfully proved the "Hamilton-Tianconjecture" and "partial-conjecture", which are two core conjectures that the international mathematics community had not been able to solve for the last two decades.

相關成果於11月初發表在《微分幾何學雜誌》(Journal of Differential Geometry)上。據瞭解,論文篇幅超過120頁,從投稿到正式發表耗時6年。該論文引進了衆多新思想和新方法,對幾何分析,尤其是裏奇流的研究產生了深遠的影響。

10 中美團隊獲2020戈登貝爾獎

11月19日下午,由中國科學院計算技術研究所賈偉樂副研究員、中國科學院院士鄂維南、北京大數據研究院張林峯研究員及其合作者共同完成的應用成果獲得國際高性能計算應用領域最高獎——戈登貝爾獎(Gordon Bell Prize)。

獲獎項目名爲"Pushing the Limit of Molecular Dynamics with AB Initio Accuracy to 100 Million Atoms with Machine Learning",即"用機器學習將分子動力學的AB Initio精度極限推到1億個原子"。


幾十年來,研究人員一直使用一種被稱爲ab initio的模擬方法進行相關研究。Ab initio在拉丁語中的意思是"第一性原理",有着極高的準確度,該獲獎項目正是利用高性能計算和機器學習,在保證AB Initio計算的高精度的前提下,達到了數億個原子規模的計算,提高了分子動力學的極限。

This project uses high performance computing and machine learning to raise the limits of molecular dynamics by reaching the scale of hundreds of millions of atoms while still ensuring the high accuracy of ab initio calculations.




