
be good for的反義詞是什麼

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be good for釋義:對 ... 有好處。以下是本站小編爲大家整理的be good for的反義詞和例句,以供參考。

ing-bottom: 61.09%;">be good for的反義詞是什麼

  be good for的反義詞:

be bad for

  be good for的反義詞例句:

I wish I did not have to waste my Sunday go to a wedding ... but it'd be bad for business not to go.

我不想出席婚禮犧牲星期天 ... 但不去對生意往來又不好。

A surfeit of rich food is bad for you.


Not studying will be to your disadvantage.


Too much greasy food isn't good for you.


  be good for的英語例句:

Confessions may be good for the soul but they are bad for the reputation.


Do it up. It'll be good for you.


The mother took so much care of her son, that she has make him be good fornothing.


Whisky can be good for you if taken in moderation.


This would only be good for Japan. 對日本來說,這實在是一個好消息。

A good fight with your spouse could be good for the health, a new study hasfound. 一項最新研究發現,夫妻雙方在必要的時候鬥鬥嘴有益於身體健康。

I must admit that in some respects I share that nostalgia – it would be good forsociety if there were institutions to turn to for unbiased opinions on the questionsthat face society. 我必須承認,在某些方面上我的想法有一點過時——在面對不公正的社會對待時如果可以在某些機構那裏得到協助,這對社會本身或許是一件好事。

New research finds that gossiping can be good for you — as long as you havesomething nice to say. 新的研究表明流言有時候對你是有好處的——只要你有美好的事情要說。

But doing things we don’t like can be good for us at times, and so I believe thatwe should sometimes give them a try. 但是有時候,做我們不喜歡做的事情卻對我們有好處。因此,我認爲,我們有時候應該試着做不愛做的事。

Is there any way to imagine existing forever ? where that would be good foryou,forever? 有沒有想象永遠存在的辦法,永生對於你來說是好事嗎?

I wouldn't worry if I never returned to all those places - Downing Street, Chequers... And it would probably be good for my children. 我也不會爲再也無法回到唐寧街,首相別墅這些地方而擔憂,這也許對我的孩子來說是件好事。

If the credit crunch continues it won't be good for any business. 如果信貸緊縮持續,最終對任何行業而言都是沒有好處的。

Lower costs would be good for clients, too. 較低的成本對顧客來說也有好處。

This will be good for our personal health as well as for the health of the planet. 這必將有益於我們的個人健康,也有益於地球的健康。

There is no need to convince myself that chocolate can be good for your thing is, we perhaps might need to moderate our indulgence. 相信再說服自己說巧克力對健康有好處已經沒什麼必要了吧,關鍵是我們要適當注意節制,不能過度攝入。

A shift from export dependency to an economy that serves its own consumersbetter would be painful but would be good for Germany, and the world, in thelonger run. 經濟從出口依賴型轉向更好地服務於本國消費者的模式將是痛苦的過程。但是從長期來看,這對德國、對世界都是非常有好處的。

Most important, the new ideas, when implemented, would prove to be good forAmerica. 最重要的是,這些新的理念得到施行時,被證明是有益於美國。

Her livelihood depended on it. Further, a successful match here would be goodfor her reputation, which in turn would be good for business. 一是因爲她是以此謀生的,二是因爲一次成功的聯姻將有益於她的聲譽,當然也會有利於她的生意。

And that would be good for every living creature on this planet. 對這個行星上的每個生命來說,那都是件好事。

But how can sticking needles in your skin be good for you? 那到底在皮膚上扎兩根針是怎樣對人起作用的呢?

Though you may think that a long soak would be good for your skin, it might bebetter to take short showers during the winter. This is actually better for dry skin.你或許會認爲長時間的浸泡對你的皮膚有好處,但在冬天還是進行短時間的淋浴比較好,這對那些乾性皮膚的人尤爲重要。

While the change may be good for the organization, individuals may believe thatthey personally will suffer. 儘管變更對於組織是有益的,但是個人將相信他們將遭受痛苦。

The conventional wisdom holds that neither of those scenarios-low inflation ordeflation-should be good for gold. 傳統智慧認爲,不管是低通脹還是通貨緊縮,對於金價來說都不是利好消息。

Michael: They might be good for you, but I am a hermit and never meet newpeople. 邁克爾:它們對你來說可能是有用,不過我是個隱士,從不見新的人。


