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【劇情簡介】 Sea King發現女兒偷偷收藏了很多人類的物品後,大發雷霆,和女兒吵了一架,還發揮威力,將女兒收藏的那些寶物都一一擊碎——尤其是Ariel打撈回來的那尊王子的雕像,也被毀掉了。


- you.don't even know him.
- Know him? I don't have to know him! They're all the same. Spineless, savage, harpooning fish-eaters incapable of any feeling--
- Daddy, I love him!
- No! Have you lost your senses completely? He's a human. You're a mermaid.
- I don't care.
- So help me, Ariel, I am going to get through to you. And if this is the only way, so be it!
- Daddy! No! No! Please! Daddy, stop! Daddy, stop it! Daddy, no!【重點詞彙講解】
1. spineless,savage,hapooning
spine是脊椎,書的書脊也叫做spine——話説人類是有spine的啊,這裏説人類是spineless還真是莫名吶;savage:野性的;savage man也就是野人;我們想説什麼人很粗野、沒教養,就可以用savage這個詞;hapoon是魚叉,這裏名詞+ing作為動詞形容詞使用,是説人類就是拿魚叉插魚的生物。
2. incapable of any feeling 沒有感情
be capable of是有能力做某事,那麼be incapable of就是沒有能力做某事;注意這個詞組後面接名詞的時候可以表達很多意思:be capable of speech,有語言能力的——動畫片《別惹螞蟻》中一隻螞蟻就説:I heard that humans are capable of speech too. 我聽説人類也會説話——動物們揣測人類時的想法還真奇怪吶。另外一個經常在美劇中聽到的口語句子是:
You don't know what he is capable of. 你永遠也猜不出他會做出什麼樣的事出來!可以表達受驚、恐懼的語氣。
3. Have you lost your senses? 你頭髮昏了麼?你瘋了麼?
和中文比較接近的另一個説法是lose one's head/mind
4. I'm going to get through to you. 我會跟你好好講清楚的/我會讓你弄明白的
get through to sb. 固定詞組,常見的意思是“打通電話”:I can't get through! 我打不通電話!還可以表示“令……明白、瞭解”,也可以説get sth. through to sb.:I can't get it through to him.我沒法跟他把這話講明白。
5. So be it! 好吧,那就這樣吧。
很口語化的一個短語,表達無可奈何、無計可施的心情。Sea King這裏是要採取暴力手段來跟女兒攤牌了,所以他説if this is the only way,如果(暴力)是唯一的解決辦法,so be it,那就只能這樣了。



