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at a loose end 無所事事,無所適從

ing-bottom: 211.22%;">美國流行口語之生活篇(上)

此語可以追溯到19世紀中期。一説此語源自航海,原表示“(繩索的)一端末繫住”。一説原指“(衣帶)垂下”。該語常有“因沒有事做而感到不滿”的含義。此語亦可作at loose ends。

A: It seems that he is unhappy. 看起來他不很高興。
B: You’re right. He has been out of work for a long time. 就是。他已有些日子沒工作了。
A: Have no any chance to try again? 沒有什麼機會再來一次嗎?
B: No. So he is in low spirits. Don’t talk about the matter of work with him. OK? 沒有。所以他情緒低落。別和他談論工作的事,好嗎?
A: Yeah. I got it. 我明白。
B: Thank you for caring about him and coming to see him. 謝謝你關心他,還來看他。
A: You’re welcome. I know everyone of us will feel discomfortable when we’re at a loose end. 別客氣,我知道一個人無事可幹的時候很不舒服。


ask for it 自找麻煩自找苦吃

該習語是ask for trouble的非正規的口語表達方式。如:Don’t be late again, or you’ll ask for it.(別再遲到了,要不然你會自找苦吃的。)

A: Do you know what happened? 你猜怎麼着?
B: Not an inkling. What’s happened? 猜不着,怎麼了?
A: My girlfriend gave her boss a good piece of her mind. 我女朋友狠狠教訓了她老闆一頓。
B: He asked for it, I suppose. 我猜他是自找的。
A: Yeah. She is really something. 可不是麼,她真了不起。


as sure as eggs is eggs 毫無疑問,千真萬確

此語與“蛋”可説沒什麼直接聯繫,其中eggs很可能係數學公式中x的訛誤。它原作as sure as x is x,17世紀後始作(as)sure as eggs is eggs。有時亦作(as)sure as eggs are eggs。這條成語1699年在英國北部地區首先使用。

A: Do you think Peter will win this time? 你認為彼得這次會贏嗎?
B: It’s impossible. 不大可能。
A: Why? 為什麼?
B” He’s no match in force and skill. 體力和技巧上,他都不是對手。
A: You mean he’ll lose, as sure as eggs is eggs? 你是説他必定會輸,確信無疑了?
B: Yeah, unless there is a miracle. 是這樣,除非有奇蹟發生。


as easy as one's eye 很容易

該習語是一種非正規的口語表達方式,類似的表達方式還有:as easy as anything/as ABC/as falling off a log/as winkling。這些短語指的是“很容易”。

A: Money is hard to earn these days. 這年頭掙錢不容易。
B: To me, it’s as easy as my eye. 對我來説很容易。
A: You steal? Or rob? 去偷還是去搶?
B: Of course not. 當然不是。


an easy digging 輕而易舉的事

dig做動詞時有“集中精力於… 的意思”,往往用來指工作、學習。An easy digging指“學習輕鬆”,引申為“事情輕而易舉”。

A: Do you think we can nurse our business back to life? 你説我們能讓生意起死回生嗎?
B: It’s not an easy digging. We’ll have to rack our brain and think of some effective measures. 這可不是件容易事。我們得絞盡腦汁想出一些行之有效的辦法。
A: I seem to be at the end of my wits. I have got lost and don’t know where I’m going. 我可是黔驢技窮了。我有點茫然,不知道該幹什麼才好。
B: Never say die. The darkest hour is the nearest dawn. 別這麼説,現在只是黎明前的黑暗。


at one's wits end 智窮計盡
wit的意思是“穎悟力,智力,理解力”。該習語的意思是“處在智力的末端”,意即“智窮計盡”了。例如:I’m at my wit’s end with this problem. 我對這個問題真是束手無策。

A: I am at my wits’ end. 我已經智窮計盡了
B: What’s the matter? 怎麼啦?
A: If the bank won’t lend us the money, we’ll be stuck. 如果銀行不肯給我們貸款,我們就寸步難行了。
B: Don’t worry. You can ask Mary for help. 彆着急。你可以請瑪麗幫幫忙。


ballpark figure 近似數,大致正確的估計

ballpark一詞本指“棒球場”,引申為“活動領域”,在此為形容詞,表示“大致正確的,八九不離十的”。此類常用短語還有in the right ballpark“大致正確,差不多”。 Ballpark figure 指大致不錯的近似數。

A: What price is this building? 這棟樓的成本是多少?
B: It’s $1,00,000, just a ballpark figure. 一百萬美元,這只是個大概數。
A: So much? It must have been in excess of our budget. 這麼多!肯定超出了預算了。
B: So. We go on or stop it now? 那現在是幹下去還是停下來?
A: Of course build it. Let’s think of some ways to raise money. 當然要幹下去,我們想法去籌些錢。


at sixes and sevens 亂七八糟;意見不一


A: You have loused up the whole business; it’s at sixes and sevens. 整個買賣讓你弄得亂七八糟。
B: The dice is cast. It’s incurable. 一切都成了定局,沒救了。
A: I feel so terrible. 糟透了。
B: Me too. We just went to a lot of trouble for nothing. 我也這麼想,一切都白忙了。


back to square one 退回起點;從頭再來

該習語源自擲色子游戲。當擲出某個特定的號碼時要受罰,於是還要重新再擲。該習語即指“無所進展,退回起點”,進而“從頭再來”。例如:I’m back to square one with the work.(我的工作又得從頭做起。)

A: Have you finished designing that office building? 那座辦公樓設計好了嗎?
B: We are back to square one now. 我們正在重新設計。
A: Back to square one? What’s the matter? 重新設計? 怎麼回事?
B: We’ve worked out the plan, but it’s been decided that we must use cheaper material. So we have to redesign it. 本來我們都已經設計好了,但現在決定使用便宜點的材料,所以只得從頭再來。


back to the drawing board 從頭開始,失敗後另起爐灶

drawing board指“畫板”。該習語直議為“(退)回到畫板前”,引申為“從頭開始。失敗後另起爐灶”。

A: How is Jim recently? 吉姆近況如何?
B: Very well. Since he was back to the drawing board, he’s been very successful. 非常好。自從他失敗以後另起爐灶,就一直很成功。
A: I know he will get back on his feet sooner or later. 我知道他遲早會東山再起的。




