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蹩腳口語:great deal
地道口語:pay dirt

padding-bottom: 100%;">影視英語口語:賺大了



Delmy: Have you decided to let me go?
Booth: No,actually,we have a few more questions. You ever been out to Ursula Lapine's trailer?
Delmy: No.
Brennan: Oh,we have evidence that you're lying.
Brennan: We have your fingerprints on a cinder block that was used to break into her trailer. Also,blood.
Sherriff Bonds: Yep,you fell into that one,Delmy.
Booth: And you took something off her wall.
Delmy: If I give it to you,will you drop the trespassing charges and let me go?
Sherriff Bonds: If you don't hand it over,I'll just charge you with obstructing justice, and he'll charge you with interfering with a Federal investigation-- eh,maybe even murder-- and you will pray for the good old days, where all you were worrying about were those silly little trespassing and burglary charges.
Brennan: I find he's very useful in certain situations.
Booth: Very ,gonna hand 'em over?
Sherriff Bonds: Holy cow. Pay dirt. I gotta get better at frisking.【台詞翻譯】
Booth: 還不行咧,還有點事兒問你。你有上過Ursula的房車沒?
Delmy: 沒有啊。
Brennan: 我們可有證據證明你在扯謊子哦。
Sherriff Bonds: 這下栽了吧,Delmy。
Brennan: 我們在一塊砸進她房車的磚頭上發現了你的指紋。還有血咧。
Booth: 你還從她牆上拿走什麼東西了是吧。
Delmy: 要是我交出來的話,能不能撤銷對我非法入侵的指控啊?
Sherriff Bonds: 你要不交出來呢,我就告你妨礙司法公正,他就告你影響聯邦調查,謀殺罪名也能算上,回頭你就哭着懷念當初的好時光了,想當年只要擔心點兒什麼非法入侵小偷小摸的事兒。
Brennan: 才發覺他在這種場合還挺管用的嘛。
Booth: 那是相當管用。怎麼樣,交不交?
Sherriff Bonds: 我滴娘誒。這下賺大了。回頭要好好提高搜身術咯。

【口語講解】pay dirt
這個詞組在非正式的口語中,是“有利可圖、大賺一票”的意思。大概會覺得很奇怪,為啥是“有錢的塵土”呢?其實這個詞組的來歷來源於淘金熱,pay dirt就是指含金的泥土咯。



