
Yoox和NAP合併之後 Net a Porter founder steps down ahead of perfect fit Yoox deal

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ing-bottom: 66.29%;">Yoox和NAP合併之後 Net-a-Porter founder steps down ahead of perfect fit Yoox deal

Described as “the perfect fit”, the combination of luxury online retailers Yoox and Net-a-Porter was finalised on Thursday — but with one imperfection: the sudden decision by Net-a-Porter founder Natalie Massenet to resign just hours earlier on Wednesday night.

由兩大奢侈品電商Yoox與Net-a-Porter(NAP)“天造地設”的合併大戲塵埃落定,但有一點美中不足:就在發佈會開始前幾個小時,Net-a-Porter創始人娜塔莉氠斯內(Natalie Massenet)卻突然宣佈辭職。

“We view this departure as a clear loss for Yoox/Net-a-Porter,” said Chiara Battistini, luxury goods analyst at JPMorgan, as the news broke. “Ms Massenet was the vision behind NAP’s strong success, being actively involved in the management of the online group and relationships with brands.”

“她的離職,我們認為顯然是新公司Yoox/Net-a-Porter的損失。”摩根大通(JPMorgan)奢侈品行業分析師奇婭拉巴蒂斯蒂尼(Chiara Battistini)獲悉消息後這樣評價道。“馬斯內女士是NAP功成名就的大功臣,在對這家電商的管理以及搞好與知名時尚品牌的關係方面可謂鞠躬盡瘁。”

Ms Massenet, who founded Net-a-Porter in 2000 — the same year that Federico Marchetti set up Yoox — had stayed at the helm of the business after selling it in 2010 to Switzerland’s Richemont in a deal that valued the London-based group at 350m.

馬斯內女士於2000年創辦NAP,費德里科氠切蒂(Federico Marchetti)也於同年創辦了Yoox。2010年,總部位於倫敦的NAP以3.5億英鎊賣給瑞士歷峯集團(Richemont),但馬斯內女士一直執掌NAP帥印。

But her decision to refrain from taking up the executive chairman role at the newly-merged group — Richemont agreed in April to sell Net-a-Porter to Yoox for shares — bears the hallmarks of a personality clash.


Ms Massenet said in a statement on Thursday morning: “Having joined forces with Yoox group, the company will be bigger, stronger and superbly well-positioned under Federico’s leadership to lead the industry and create the future of fashion.”


It was Mr Marchetti who had described the merger as “perfect” — through the creation of the world’s largest online retailer focused on luxury brands. At that time, Ms Massenet was “looking forward” to their future and ebullient about the group’s conjoined power to “create the future of fashion”.


However, the corporate marriage between the quiet, autodidactic Italian tech entrepreneur Mr Marchetti and the flamboyant, charismatic former journalist Ms Massenet, who is also president of the British Fashion Council, raised eyebrows as soon as the deal was struck.

但是,當兩家公司達成合並協議後,以性格沉穩、自學成才的意大利科技創業者馬切蒂與個性張揚、魅力四射的馬斯內(這位昔日的記者同時又兼任英國時裝協會(British Fashion Council)主席)為首的兩家公司實現“聯姻”後,就引發了業界質疑。

“She’ll have resigned by Christmas,” said one person familiar with the situation on the day of the merger announcement. Many fashion insiders agreed that her resignation was only a question of time.


Further cause for speculation followed in May, when, during a lunch with the FT, Mr Marchetti reiterated his ultimate control of the group, as well as the pair’s strikingly different managerial styles.


Pointing out that there would be only one boss of the new group “and that’s me”, he went on to describe himself as unpopular at Yoox, which runs ecommerce sites for Giorgio Armani, Valentino and

他指出新公司只能有一位老大,“而且這個人就是自己”,並繼而稱自己與昔日在Yoox一樣不受員工待見。Yoox為阿瑪尼(Giorgio Armani)與華倫天奴(Valentino)等時尚品牌管理電商網站。

“They don’t like me,” he said of his colleagues. “But that’s OK. I don’t need them to like me.”


His bullish attitude stood in stark contrast to the culture of shared passion engendered by Ms Massenet at Net-a-Porter, where her popularity and charismatic leadership style were considered integral to the company’s success.


Her sororal cheerleading spirit seemed at odds with Mr Marchetti’s results-driven dogmatism — the day after the Lunch with the FT interview appeared in print, she posted on Instagram an image of a heart captioned with an entreaty to be nice to one another. The image was subsequently removed.


While the merger is not jeopardised by Ms Massenet’s departure — and, indeed, Yoox shares rose 5 per cent on Thursday — her absence leaves the group far more vulnerable, partly because of the loss of her networking skills in the world of design.


In conversations with the FT this year, many British-based designers, among them Erdem Moralioglu, Christopher Kane, Roksanda Ilincic, Roland Mouret and Victoria Beckham have testified to her vital role in helping steer their brands into profitable international fashion houses.

在與《金融時報》今年的訪談中,包括埃德姆莫拉里奧格魯(Erdem Moralioglu)、克里斯托弗凱恩(Christopher Kane)、蘿克桑達伊林契奇(Roksanda Ilincic)、羅蘭穆雷(Roland Mouret)以及維多利亞貝克漢姆(Victoria Beckham)在內的諸多英國設計師都親口承認馬斯內在向國際知名品牌公司推介自己品牌時居功至偉。

Those relationships, developed over her 15 years at Net-a-Porter, may prove near impossible to replicate, and much of the lustre, glamour and élan she brought to the company leaves with her.


Moreover, while the Yoox-Net merger creates a business with a market value of 2.3bn and the biggest fashion e-commerce site in the world, Net looks increasingly vulnerable within the fast-emerging digital landscape.


Apple’s Ian Rogers has just been appointed head of digital strategy by LVMH, which suggests the luxury giant is at last preparing to launch comprehensively into the e-commerce sector. And Condé Nast will soon unveil its newly branded , a luxury e-commerce platform in which the company is reputedly investing 100m.

來自蘋果公司的伊恩圠燦斯(Ian Rogers)最近剛被路威酩軒集團(LVMH)任命為數字戰略部負責人,此舉表明這家奢侈品巨擘終於決定全面進軍電商業。康泰納仕(Condé Nast)新成立的奢侈品電商網也即將揭開神祕面紗,坊間説公司投資1億英鎊巨資創建了這家電商平台。

What next for Ms Massenet? She sits on a sizeable fortune.


She was reported to have earned 50m from the initial sale of Net-a-Porter to Cartier owner Richemont in 2010. Now, she stands to receive a payout of more than ㄠ  洀, according to FT calculations.


To walk away from her “baby” must have been difficult, nonetheless, especially since she has occupied a near-unrivalled position of authority and influence within the industry for years.


“As for my own future, my entrepreneurial drive is as strong today as it always has been, and my passion for innovation will continue to be my guide in business,” wrote Ms Massenet in her statement.


Some of the wilder speculators have suggested that her departure may see her returning to publishing: Net-a-Porter’s bimonthly print magazine Porter recently won Print Product of the Year at the British Media Awards, and she has made no secret of her passion for journalism and editing.

更有人大膽預測:她離職後,可能重返出版界:Net-a-Porter的雙月刊雜誌《Porter》最近榮獲英國媒體獎的年度最佳紙質雜誌獎(Print Product of the Year at the British Media Awards),她毫不掩飾自己對記者行業以及採編業的偏愛。

Could a move back to Condé Nast, where she once worked on Tatler, be on the cards? It’s tempting to see a directorial role for the tech entrepreneur at a company currently reinventing itself as a digital player. We watch this space.

她是否會重回康泰納仕出版集團(Condé Nast)?她曾在《Tatler》雜誌幹過。讓科技創業的領軍人物執掌正轉向數字界弄潮兒的出版界,肯定精彩紛呈。讓我們拭目以待吧。



