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Dialogue Script  對話原文

padding-bottom: 116.15%;">迪斯尼很好玩:你好,巴斯光年!

Tony: Look! There's Buzz Lightyear! I wanna go talk to him!

Mom: I'll stand in line for the hot dogs, and you go stand in line to talk to him.

Tony: Cool! I'll be right back.

Mom: Remember your manners!

Tony: I will. Oh, no! Look at all the kids around him! And he's walking that way!

Mom: He seems to be in demand. You'd better line up quick before he goes too far. I'll be over there.

Tony: OK, bye. (runs off) Wait! Buzz! Don't walk away!

(Talk to Buzz Lightyear)

Buzz: Do you want to be an astronaut when you grow up?

Tony: I think I'd rather be you! I want to work at Disneyland!

Buzz: By the time you grow up, you might be able to do both. They might have Disneyland in space one day.

Tony: Awesome!

Buzz: Just remember to study hard in school, so you can do whatever you want! Hey, where are your parental figures?

Tony: Ha-ha! Space talk, huh! I gotta go. See ya later! Maybe in space!


1. 對話中,媽媽在排隊買熱狗,Tony跑去跟Buzz Lightyear巴斯光年玩,媽媽還叮囑他要注意禮貌,Remember your manners!

2. 不過巴斯光年身邊圍了很多小朋友,而且還朝另一個方向走了。看來這個巴斯光年還很受孩子們的歡迎,be in demand表示“受歡迎的,很多人搶着要的”。

3. 媽媽讓Tony趕快去排隊,要不然巴斯光年就走遠了。終於輪到Tony跟巴斯光年説話了。巴斯光年問Tony長大了想當宇航員嗎?Tony説I think I'd rather be you! 我覺得我比較想當你。I'd rather be...,就是“我寧可變成/成為……”的意思。

4. 因為Tony想在迪斯尼樂園工作,這樣就可以每天都來玩了。巴斯光年卻説,也許等Tony長大了的時候,他就想幹這兩樣工作了,因為到那時候可能太空中就會有迪斯尼樂園了。Tony説那就太好了,awesome就是“太棒了,非常好”的意思。在口語中很常用。巴斯光年趁機告訴Tony要用功讀書。

5. 巴斯光年又問Tony他的“雙親生物體”在哪裏,Where are your parental figures? 這裏的parental figures其實就是“父母親”,parents。而figure是指“符合某種特定功能、角色定義的生物”,那麼這裏把人看作figure,是為了讓巴斯光年講話聽起來更像太空人而特別設計的“太空人説話模式”,就是space talk。

6. Tony跟巴斯光年道了別,要走了,I gotta go.或者I've gotta go.



