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Serena: Bart, you're back early.
Bart: My last round of meetings wrapped up sonner than expected, rushing home to the family.
Chuck: How long's this layover?
Bart: Didn't Lily tell you? I'm here for the long haul. And just in time for our housewarming party tomorrow night.

wrap up: to finish
layover: 臨時滯留,中途下車
long haul: 很長一段時間
housewarming party: 喬遷新居的聚會。順便介紹幾個常見的party: bachelor party 告別單身聚會,男女都有,在結婚前一天舉行,通常就是請一個stripper,或者直接去stripper club看錶演,算是單身結束前的最後瘋狂。baby shower 送禮會,給懷孕的媽媽舉辦的,她的好朋友們會送很多禮物給她或者是她將來的孩子。surprise party 通常都是跟生日聚會在一起搞的,就是瞞着壽星,一大羣人躲在暗處,然後壽星一開門,一大羣人蹦出來"surprise!!!" crash a party 不請自入,沒有請柬而擅自闖入一個聚會

Bart: A weekend curfew of 1:00 a.m.
Chuck: Is that Eastern or Pacific?
curfew: 晚上到家的時間,宵禁,來源於中世紀規定人們熄燈安睡的晚鐘聲
關於美國時間: 美國從東向西分別為東部時間(EST, Eastern Standard Time)、中部時間(CST)、山地時間(MST)、太平洋時間 (PST)、阿拉斯加時間(AKST))和夏威夷時間(HST),按照“東早西晚”的規律,各遞減一小時,那麼Eastern Time的凌晨1點,就是Pacific Time的凌晨4點,所以Chuck才會問了這麼一句,而紐約其實是東部時間。
看到很多官網上的預告時間會寫 Monday 10/9c, 這裏的10就是東部時間10點,9就是中部時間9點,c代表central. 而美國東部時間是GMT -5, 背景時間是GMT +8,所以北京時間跟美國東部時間差了13個小時。


Dan: Medicine cabinet, bedside table, underwear drawer? It's borderline solicitation, V. And…and, uh, creepy.
Vanessa: It wouldn't be creepy if you'd actually read the flyer.
Dan: You're on a mission to save Dutch Schultz's favorite speakeasy.
borderline 邊界線,solicitation引發,誘惑。這裏説到V把傳單塞滿Dan家裏的各個角落,甚至是Dan的內衣抽屜裏,Dan於是就説,你這樣的行為,是會引發關於邊境線的爭端的。
creepy: 心裏毛毛的,恐怖的,其他兩個“恐怖”的講法:scary是出於內心的恐懼,比creepy更嚇人一點。恐怖片是scary movie, 在路上被人從背後突然拍了下,你説“嚇到我了,嚇死我了”,就是You scare me! spooky可以指那些毛骨悚然的事情,通常跟鬼怪幽靈聯繫在一起。比如説起你去鬼屋的經歷,就可以説It's a spooky experience to visit the haunted house(注意鬼屋不是ghost house, 而是haunted house)."
Dutch Schultz: 紐約著名的黑幫首領,他的故事被改變成很多小説和電影
speakeasy: 地下酒吧

Blair: That little troll Vanessa is working my last nerve.
Chuck: Not what I expected.
Blair: And then I realized this could benefit both of us.
troll: One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument 專指在論壇上發一些惹眾怒的帖子的人,這裏是説Vanessa惹事生非,討人厭
working my last nerve:讓我忍無可忍了,超出我的忍耐極限。get on my nerve相當於irritate, 激怒。後來C跟B又談到了Vanessa, C説That girl has gotten under your skin. under your skin的意思就是引起某人的注意或者興趣,讓某人刻骨銘心。

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Blair: Dan stole your best friend. Now you can steal his. Seduce and destroy.
Chuck: What's in it for me?
Blair: The thrill of the impossible. The only person Vanessa loathes more than me is you. It would be one for the ages. Maybe you're not up for it. If memory serves, you've had some mechanical problems.
Chuck: I'll just imagine she's you.
Gossip Girl: This just r Waldorf and Chuck Bass placing a wager on the takedown of lonely boy's B.F.F.
What's in it for me: 我有什麼好處?
thrill: excitement, pleasure; something shocking or unexpected, usually something good.
loath: 憎恨,厭惡
If memory serves: 如果我沒記錯的話……,至於後面B説的mechanical problem,應該是暗指前段時間Chuck在sex方面有障礙的那件事情(就是之前有一集,Chuck找了個日本空姐,但是卻沒有辦法成功sex,因為他腦子裏都想着B)
wager on: bet,打賭。籌碼叫做stake, 加大籌碼就是raise the stakes.
BFF: Best Friend Forever, 為了不與BF(boyfriend)混淆,所以就有了BFF這個説法。

Blair: About last night's curfew flaunting?
Serena: I kind of snuck out before she could corner me. Let them discipline the sibling that actually deserves it.
Blair: You mean Chuck?
flaunt: show off. 這裏指S故意穿的很sexy去pub,還在Bart面前炫耀的事情。curfew flaunting, 故意挑戰宵禁政策的那件事情。
snuck out: sneak out的過去式,偷偷溜出來
corner: 本意是把某人逼到角落裏,為難某人,使某人走投無路。這裏是堵截的意思。
discipline the sibling: 給我的兄弟做規矩,這裏的兄弟就是指Chuck啦。



- Great turnout, V. I got a good feeling.
Vanessa: Let's hope so, Horace. Here come the sharks.
turnout: 聚集的人羣,出席的人數;另外還可以指營業額,相當於business volume.
shark: 厲害的人,loan shark, 放高利貸的人

Chuck: We're willing to work with you.
Vanessa: Thanks, but we're already petitioning for landmark status
Chuck: Why don't you have a bake sale while you're at it? In the real world, we are your only hope.
petition for:請願,後面一段裏,酒吧的店主對Chuck説:After you left, your lawyer came back and showed us your proposal which did indeed include keeping everything as it is and lobbying for landmark status. lobby for, 遊説,跟petition for意思很接近。
bake sale: A bake sale is a fundraising activity where baked goods such as doughnuts(甜甜圈,上海有個專門買甜甜圈的店就叫“美仕唐納滋”,英文名Mister Donut), cupcakes(紙杯蛋糕) and cookies, sometimes along with ethnic foods, are sold.

Lily: If you have a problem with our rules, then just say so, but to simply defy us...
S: Not you, him.
defy: 藐視,挑釁,違抗。我認識這個單詞是因為Ugly Betty裏曾經有一集,Betty去看音樂劇Wicked, 其中有一首很好聽的歌就叫Defying Gravity(抵抗地心引力).

Chuck: Deal's off.
Blair: What? what are you talking about?
Chuck: I'm out. I don't know what I was thinking about, pretending to buy some broken-down bar.
Blair: But you promised to seduce needs to be destroyed.
deal's off和I'm out都表示我不幹了,我退出了。

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-Rumor has it he kept this place in booze during prohibition. So you like old Joe?
Chuck: Rumrunner, womanize, millionaire. He was my kind of guy.
- They all used to come here back in the day-- Gangsters, fighters,musicians, dangerous folks, no doubt. But they had style. Somethingtells me you'd fit right in.
Rumor has it…: 江湖傳聞……
booze: 豪飲,也可以表示喝醉的意思。另外醉了還可以説I’m drunk./. 如果你堅持自己是清醒的話, 就是I am sober.還有一個跟酒醉有關的字叫 hangover, 中文翻成宿醉, 也就是指喝醉酒後隔天早上醒來頭痛等等的症狀。DWI (driving while intoxicated) 或者DUI (Driving under influence), 就是醉酒駕車的意思。
rumrunner酒類走私犯, womanizer玩女人
He was my kind of guy: 他跟我是一類人,臭味相投
fit in: 適應一個地方,融入一個團隊

Chuck: Did you read the proposal?
Bart: Why would I do that?
Chuck: Because... the tax break will be huge. Saving a landmark buys us amazing PR, engenders goodwill in the community, paving the way for future investment. Plus, it's a great place. Look, father, let me take you there and show you around. I'll make you a believer, I promise.
tax break: 減免税收(為了鼓勵富人多參與慈善活動,政府通常會在税收上給予一定的優惠。比如你捐款10萬元,那麼你就可以少交10萬的税)
PR: Public Relation, 公共關係,有時候也説publicity(公眾形象),後面Serena跟Dan談起她媽媽的party説到”My mom hosted this big party. It as supposed to be about our new family,but it turns out, of course, it was for publicity.”
engenders goodwill: 樹立善良親民的形象
paving the way for: 為……鋪路
I'll make you a believer: 我會讓你相信這一切都是真的



Blair: Bet's off.
Chuck: But the game's not over.
Blair: I'm calling it on account of boredom. You were right. Vanessa's not worth playing with.
Chuck: Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Why the sudden change of heart?
Blair: Like I said, the whole thing is dull. Pursuing Vanessa is beneath us both.
Chuck: You think I'm going in for the kill. You're worried you're gonna have to go through with what you promised.
on account of: 因為
Why the sudden change of heart?: 這裏Blair看到Chuck和Vanessa好像有點來真的了,就跑去跟C説“不賭了,不玩了”,C就問她“你為什麼突然改主意了?”
beneath us both: 有失我們的身份,降低我們的水準
kill: (1)這裏表示做個了斷,跟後面那個go through with是一個意思,都表示結束,完成,把……進心到底。(2) to finish, to turn off,比如關燈,關電腦,關引擎等,都可以用kill. 後面Lily與Serena和好如初那段,Lily問Bart“你沒讓記者發表那篇文章吧”,説這句話的時候,Lily用的就是You killed the story, don’t you? (3) kill還可以表示很厲害,很在行的意思,比如一個人穿了一件很迷人的衣服,就叫做dress to kill,某個人在某方面很在行,那麼他就是這方面的killer, 所以很討女人喜歡的男人,就是lady killer.

Lily: Eric, my darling, you are always honest with me. It isn't true, is it?
Eric: I know Serena's timing sucked, but she did pretty much raise me all those years. Oh... you just weren't here, you know?
Lily: I wasn't that bad.
Eric: Our ringtone for you was "since you been gone", used to sign our permission slips from school.
Lily: Well, there was a lot going on in my life.
I know Serena's timing sucked: 我知道Serena選的時機不對
since you been gone: Kelly Clarkson的成名曲,她曾經參加American Idol並因此而走紅。
There was a lot going on in my life: 我生活中發生了很多事情,我也有很多煩惱。

Dan: Well, like I said, I tried to help him, and then he bailed.
bail: to exit, leave , bounce, take off. 這裏Dan想要幫助Nate,讓N住到他們家,但是卻被N拒絕了。

Coming to rub my nose in it? Falling for your line of bull...
rub my nose in it: Chuck去酒吧找店主,店主説“幹嘛,你故意過來示威/看我的落魄樣子?”這裏的rub my nose in it指戳某人的痛楚,揭某人的傷疤。s02e04的筆記裏曾經用到Blair對Serena説過的一句話"Why do you think I rub it in Chuck's face every chance I get?",這句話裏的rub it in one's face也有同樣的意思。外中文説的“在我眼皮底下”,英文叫做do something right under my nose
fall for: 輕信,fall for somebody表示愛上某人

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