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職場上,性格和學歷一樣,是公司招人時會考慮再三的因素。 很多崗位的確很挑性格,比如做市場營銷、公關和銷售的,就要能説會道、外向開朗的人才能夠吃得開。 而做財務、行政的,還是內向踏實型的人需要能坐得住板凳。 在我們的普遍認知中,外向=outgoing,內向=shy 所謂外向嘛,就是能説會道,善於交際;內向就是陰鬱沉悶,封閉自我。我們動不動就愛給人貼標籤:她是外向的,比較好相處;他太內向了,總是擺臭臉。  然而,國外早就有專家研究表明,這種認知是刻板、片面的。性格區分並不是簡單的情緒對立。 關於內向和外向的性格研究,最早由20世紀早期瑞士心理學大牛卡爾·榮格提出。他提出過 Ambivert Personality Continuum Scale(兩向性格連續標尺)模型,如下  在這個標尺中, 左邊是 Introvert(內向型)性格
右邊是 Extrovert(外向型)性格
中間是 Ambivert(中間型)性格

It’d be much more likely that we are somewhere in the middle.




There is no such thing as a pure introvert or extrovert. Such a person would be in the lunatic asylum.


 也就是説,我們大部分人的性格並不是非此即彼,要麼是外向,要麼是向內,我們都位於標尺的某點上,性格中夾雜內向和外向因素。 那麼,你是否好奇內向、外向的性格差異是如何形成的呢?  最新的研究表明,內外向性格差異主要與我們獲取能量的方式有關。 換種説法,性格差異與“我們如何補充大腦能量”(how we recharge our brains)有關。
第1則 能量獲取差異


Introverts tend to recharge by spending time alone. They lose energy from being around people for long periods of time, particularly large crowds.



Extroverts, on the other hand, gain energy from other people. Extroverts actually find their energy is sapped when they spend too much time alone. They recharge by being social.

  對於這點,小編我特別認同。我有個朋友就是外向型的,他的外號是 Social Butterfly,人稱“小公主”,無法忍受一個人吃飯、週末沒人陪伴。 對於他來説,朋友的陪伴讓他不會感到空虛,讓他心安自在,能幫助消除疲憊,重新找到活力。 而對於我這個向內型人來説,我更喜歡一個人慢慢整理思緒,自己分析問題,這種獨處讓我感覺到一種寧靜的秩序感,讓我心裏很有力量。 説白了,內向和外向,就是所需要的“能量棒”不一樣,獨處和社交就是不同人獲得能量的兩種方式。
第2則 反射弧長度不同

Hans’s theory was that extroverts have a lower basic rate of arousal. This means that extroverts need to work harder to arouse their minds and bodies to the same ‘normal’ state that introverts might reach quite easily.

外向型人感觸能力較弱。也就是説他們需要比內向型的人花更多力氣才能喚醒腦袋和身體。--- 心理學家 Hans Eysenck



This leads extroverts to seek novelty and adventure, and to crave the company of others.



For introverts, this kind of stimulation can be overwhelming, since their rate of arousal is much higher, so they are stimulated easily.



Time alone, one-on-one conversations and predictable situations are more likely to be pleasant for introverts who are more sensitive to external stimulation.

  簡單來説,就是內向和外向型人的反射弧不一樣。內向的人心思細膩,反射弧比較短,能快速感應到環境的細微變化,以及他人言語行為縱深出的深意。 這就好比兩個温度計,一個對外界温度變化反應特別靈敏,一點點降温、升温都能敏鋭捕捉到;而另一個反應遲緩,外界怎麼變,對他們刺激都很小。 這也解釋了為什麼,很多內向型人喜歡獨處,這是因為他們對起伏不定的環境太敏感了,變化對他們來説是心理上很大的負擔。 而另一方面,外向型人因為反應力弱,總是愛找刺激。
第3則 大腦處理方式不同


That is, the stimulation coming into our brains is processed differently depending on your personality.



For extroverts, the pathway is much shorter. It runs through an area where taste, touch, and visual and auditory sensory processing takes place.



For introverts, stimuli run through a long, complicated pathway in areas of the brain associated with remembering, planning, and solving problems.

 這就解釋了為什麼,外向型的人總看起來大大咧咧,説話快人快語,做事風風火火,而內向的人總是給人一副精於算計、頗有城府、沉默寡言的感覺。  説到這,我們該明白了吧,所謂內向和外向並不只是shy和 outgoing的區別。
性格差異是由能量獲取(補充)方式、反射弧長短、大腦處理方式不同造成的。 所以,對於這種由於生理機制差異導致的性格不同,我們也不要再隨便貼標籤了,或帶着優越感、偏見感看待他人。 那麼,如果你周遭有內向型的同事,你該怎麼和他/她相處嗎? 以下這12條建議可以幫助你。 Respect their need for privacy 尊重他們對隱私的需求
Never embarrass them in public不要在公眾場合羞辱他們
Let them first observe in the new situations 容許他們到某個新環境後先觀察
Give them time to think; Don't demand instant answers 給他們思考的時間,不要催促他們要求答案
Don't interrupt them 不要打擾他們
Give them advance notice of expected changes in their lives 情況有變的話,要及時通知他們
Give them 15 minute warnings to finish whatever they are doing若他們做得不對,提醒他們,並給15分鐘讓他們完成手頭的事
Reprimand them privately 私下訓斥他們
Teach them new skills privately  私下教授他們新技能
Enable them to find one best friend who has similiar interests & abilities
Don't push them to make lots of friends 不要強迫他們廣交朋友
Respect their introversion;Don't try to remake them into extroverts
尊重他們內向性格,不要強行把他們改成外向型 那麼對於外向型同事,你該如何和他們相處呢?這10條可以幫到你!  Respect their independence 尊重他們的獨立性
Compliment them in the company of others 當眾表揚他們
Accept and encourage their enthusiasm 接受並尊重他們的熱情
Allow them to explore and talk things out 允許他們探索、傾吐心聲
Thoughtfully surprise them 給他們驚喜
Understand when they are busy 知道他們什麼時候是繁忙的
Let them dive right in 讓他們馬上行動
Offer them options 給他們選擇
Make physical and verbal gesture of affection用身體語言,或口頭表達展示你對他們的喜愛
Let them shine 讓他們發光 (本文首發於滬江商務英語公眾號,掃碼關注,即可獲取更多商務英語資訊。轉載請“滬江商務英語”後台聯繫!)


