
香煙盒大變樣 "素顏"包裝減少誘惑

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Cigarettes could be sold in plain packets under plans being considered by ministers to cut the number of young smokers. Health Secretary Andrew Lansley wants to ban ‘glitzy designs’ that he says make smoking more appealing. Ministers also argue that white boxes give a false ‘healthy image’。

香煙盒大變樣 "素顏"包裝減少誘惑

英國新任衞生大臣安德魯·蘭斯里(Andrew Lansley)香煙盒包裝需“大變樣”,改換成只標明基本信息以及對健康有害警告的“樸素包裝”。該舉措意在減少香煙對年輕人的吸引力並控制吸煙低齡化愈發嚴重的趨勢。據悉,因現在香煙盒包裝過於“華麗與炫目”而對青少年形成“吸煙很酷”的負面影響,大臣還建議包裝盒應使用白底並配上善意的警示圖片。

Ministers want to see if changing cigarette packet appearance could deter children from taking up smoking and support people who are trying to quit, the spokeswoman said. Plain packs would just show only basic information and health and picture warnings. Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said: 'We have to try new approaches and take decisions to benefit the population。

英衞生大臣安德魯·蘭斯里(Andrew Lansley)想通過措施讓孩子遠離香煙,同時向那些企圖戒煙的人羣提供支持和幫助。新的煙盒將改頭換面,以“素顏”示人,煙盒上只標明生產日期以及警告話語。

'That's why I want to look at the idea of plain packaging. The evidence is clear that packaging helps to recruit smokers, so it makes sense to consider having less attractive packaging. 'It's wrong that children are being attracted to smoke by glitzy designs on packets. 'We would prefer it if people did not smoke and adults will still be able to buy cigarettes, but children should be protected from the start。


'The levels of poor health and deaths from smoking are still far too high, and the cost to the NHS and the economy is vast. That money could be used to educate our children and treat cancer。



glitzy adj. 眩目的;(美、加)閃光的;耀眼的



