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大家好,欢迎《Faith口语课堂-天天学》的新老学员们,我是Faith老师,有人邀请我今晚去一个dating bar(约会酒吧),你知道我是很不喜欢参加这种活动的,所以我得想办法wriggle out it. 想知道“wriggle out it”是何意吗?请在本课中寻找答案。


Decent: adj.正派的,得体的;像样的,过得去的,体面的;令人满意的,相当好的

I’m going to invite you to a decent restaurant tonight. 今晚我请你去一家高档餐厅去吃饭。

Those tight pants of yours aren't very decent! 你那条紧身裤真不雅观!

It is not decent to do so. 这样做是有失体统的。

I don’t even have a decent job. 我连份象样的工作都没有。

Wriggle: vi. 扭动;蠕动;蜿蜒行进, vt. (使身体某一部位)扭动

He wriggled uncomfortably on the chair. 他坐在椅子上不舒服地扭动着身体。

Wriggle your toes. 扭一下你的脚趾头。

Wriggle out of …耍滑不做,逃避(应做的事等),故意找借口不去做,设法逃避

You can’t wriggle out of your responsibilities. 你不能找借口逃避责任。

I’ve got an appointment I can’t wriggle out of. 我有个推脱不掉的约会。

She managed to wriggle out of answering all the questions. 她支吾其词避免回答一切问题。

He’s trying to talk me into the party, I wriggled out of it. 他极力想说服我参加这个晚会,我推掉了。

This morning, my boyfriend asked me for money again, you know what I did? I wriggled out of it, and I’ve also made up my mind to drop him like a hot potato. 今早,我男友又向我要钱,你知道我做了什么?我把他支吾掉了。我已下定决心要把他像热红薯一样甩掉



