
小紫带你轻松学美剧 第30期

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如果这件事发生在你的身上,估计每个人都吓傻了。丈夫Nick回到家里,发现妻子不见了,丈夫完全不知道发生了什么,妻子突然失踪,他在等警察来。这是一个怎样的故事呢?看过Gone girl的小伙伴应该知道,有电影版本,也有原版小说。最开始小紫是听人推荐,于是友人送了此书给我。故事不能讲太多,这样的一个故事,让人有阅读下去的欲望。我们来细细地品一下这本书的这个段落。这个段落对于丈夫的内心,心理都描述得很好。让我们仿佛身临其境,在看着这个丈夫迷茫,焦急地想,老婆到底去哪里了,老婆怎么了?

Gone girl
Nick Dunne
I waited for the police first in the kitchen, but the acrid smell of the burnt Teakettle was curling up in the back of throat, underscoring my need to retch, so I drifted out on the front porch, sat on the top stair, and willed myself to be calm. I kept trying Amy's cell, and it kept going to voice mail, that quick-clip cadence swearing she'd phone right back. Amy always phoned right back. It had been three hours, and I'd left five messages, and Amy had not phoned back.

Acrid: having a strong, bitter smell or taste that is unpleasant

Teakettle: a metal container with a lid, handle and a spout, used for boiling water

Underscore(underscoring): to emphasize or show that sth is important or true

Retch: to make sounds and movements as if you are vomiting although you do not actually do so

Porch: 门廊,门厅

Cadence: the rise and fall of the voice in speaking


小紫带你轻松学美剧 第30期



