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ing-bottom: 66.56%;">看《雲圖》學地道口語:我要跟我的丈夫一起走

1850年,南太平洋,美國公證人亞當·尤因(吉姆·斯特吉斯 Jim Sturgess 飾)在船上被不明寄生蟲病折磨,他用日記記錄下自己所見所聞;1931年,蘇格蘭,落魄青年羅伯特·弗羅比舍(本·衛肖 Ben Whishaw 飾)為音樂大師記錄曲譜,受到半本旅行日記的啟發創作出了恢巨集壯闊的《雲圖六重奏》;1975年,美國加州,小報記者路易莎·雷(哈莉·貝瑞 Halle Berry 飾)冒著生命危險調查一樁核電站醜聞,在老唱片店她被一首不知名的樂章打動……選段中,Adam終於回來了,他和妻子準備告別他們富裕的生活,與廢奴主義者共事,由此來表達對救了他一命的黑人的感激……


Tilda's Father:Adam! Good god. I have just been recounting your astonishing adventure. Please, join us. Get him a chair.

Adam:Ah. No, no. Thank you, I...I cannot stay.

Tilda's Father:What are you doing here? I thought the doctor said at least three weeks in bed?

Adam:He did, but this... couldn't wait. I need to speak with you, sir. Privately.

Tilda's Father:Of course. Excuse me. Is that the contract from Reverend Horrox?

Adam:It is indeed.

Tilda's Father:Well, you know, I could have sent a boy.

(Adam threw the contract into the fire.)

Tilda's Father:Are you insane?!

Adam:I owe my life to a self-freed slave. And I cannot, in good conscience, participate in this kind of business any longer.

Boy:This would make such a good book.

LuisaI'll drink to that.

Timothy:Outside, fat snowflakes are falling on slate roofs and granite walls. Like Solzhenitsyn laboring in Vermont, I shall beaver away in exile. Unlike Solzhenitsyn, I shan't be alone.

Tilda's Father:Goddamn you, sir. If you were not my daughter's husband...

Tilda:Hello, father.

Tilda's Father:Tilda? What's going on?

Tilda:I've come to say goodbye.

Tilda's Father:Goodbye? Where are you going?

Adam:We're moving back East, to work with the abolitionists.

Tilda's Father:What? That poison has rotted your brain.

Adam:Well, if it has, I highly recommend it. I've not felt this good in years.

Tilda's Father:Tilda, I forbid you from going anywhere with this madman.

Tilda:I've been afraid of you my whole life, father. I'm going with my husband.

Tilda's Father:Adam. Listen to me. For the sake of my grandson, if not your own. There is a natural order to this world. And those who try to upend it, do not fare well. This movement will never survive. If you join them, you and your entire family will be shunned. At best, you'll exist as pariah, to be spat on and beaten. And the worst, lynched or crucified. And for what? For what? No matter what you do, it will never amount to anything more than a single drop in a limitless ocean.

Adam:But what is an ocean... but a multitude of drops?


1. in good conscience

Adam終於回到了他的家,他的岳父問Adam:“是那份與赫勞克斯牧師的契約嗎?” 當Adam回答是之後把那份合約扔進了火爐,他岳父大怒問道:“你瘋了嗎?”Adam回答:“一位自我解救的奴隸救了我一命,出於良知,我不能再參與這樣的交易。” “in good conscience”意思是“憑良心”,“公平地”。

2. forbid sb. from doing

當Tilda的父親聽說Adam和Tilda要搬回東部,與廢奴主義者共事時,他大叫:“那毒素侵蝕了你的腦子!蒂達爾,我不允許你與這瘋子去任何地方!”而他的女兒抗議道:“我一生都在害怕您,父親,我要隨我丈夫一同離開。” “forbid sb. from doing”意為“禁止某人做……”。

3. for the sake of

岳父看到他們離開的如此堅決,說道:“就算不為你自己,也得為我孫子考慮下,這世界有它的自然秩序,任何試圖顛倒它的人,都不會落得好下場。這種行為永無出路,如果你加入他們,世人對你和你的家庭都將避之不及。最好的情況,你將淪為賤民,被鞭笞抽打,而最糟的,則將被處死,釘於十字架上。” “for the sake of”意為“為了……考慮”。

4. a multitude of 

當岳父說道:“而又是為了什麼呢?為了什麼呢?不論你做什麼,也不過是滄海中的一滴水而已。”Adam堅定地回答:“但滄海不正是…眾多的水滴匯聚而成嗎?沒有水滴,哪來的滄海呢?”“a multitude of”是個量詞“大量的”,“許許多多的”。就是因為他們的反抗精神代代延續,最終織成一幅浩瀚璀璨的雲圖。



