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 面試,是找工作中必不可少的環節。很多人感覺準備了那麼多,但還是不知道面試官的思路。今天,小編就帶大家一起來破解面試官的心思,並教你如何漂亮回答,分分鐘offer到手! 1. Please introduce yourself.Tell me something about yourself. 這是面試中必不可少的問題,而且往往是第一個問題。 通常來說,不同的人需要運用不同的策略來回答這道問題。剛剛大學畢業的學生,重點在畢業院校、專業排名情況;而已經有工作經驗的人,可以從過往的工作經驗來切入。應屆畢業生:1)可以用畢業院校+成績的方式來展現基本教育背景。 I am XXX. I have a bachelor's degree in science.As an outstanding graduate of XXX University, I achieved a high GPA 3.6 out of 4. 2)此外,應屆畢業生可以介紹下之前的實習情況,或者是課外專案活動。 During my one-year internship at XXX company, I grasp basic understanding of .... and get immsersed in an envrionment that combines collective cooperation and personal innovation.During the summer camp at Oxford University, I deeply involved in ....program and honed the skills of...  3) 應屆生還要表明立場,展現踏實、謙虛的態度,比如:The fundamental principle I've discovered is to start from the bottom and to learn from basics. 有工作經驗的人:如果已經有工作經驗,面試官就不太關心你四年前在學校有多麼厲害,而是更想知道你之前工作的成績和感受,你的個人技能是不是和麵前職位相吻合,因此重點要放在工作經驗講述上面。比如現在面試一個marketing方面的工作,就要著重講之前在這方面的經驗,比如: In the past two years, I have been working with XXX company as a marketing specialist. During the time, I have been trained to exploit new markets in North America and managed to coordinate the partnership agreement between YYY company and us. 此外,還可以講述工作中運用地技能、成就和感受。 2.Why do you hire you?這個問題也是面試中老生常談的問題。之前商英君和小夥伴面試培訓時候,大家就一起談論過這個問題。當時的指導老師就教導說,對於這個問題,一定要讓對方覺得“門當戶對”而是“高攀”才行。具體來說,面試人員最好不要過分強調“XXX公司是個大公司、這是非常好的個人平臺”。因為面試官就像媒婆,他們最想知道的事你配不配得起XXX公司,John F. Kennedy曾經說過的一句名言 "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." 面試官也是一樣,他麼想知道你能給公司帶來什麼,而不是公司給你帶來什麼。所以,回答這個問題,重點在於你能給公司帶來怎樣的value,因為社會本就是現實的競技場,說得殘酷點,只有你對別人有用,別人才會花錢或花時間請你。重點展示你的專長、技能,優勢,人脈,比如: - Results-oriented marketing professional with more than five B2B marketing experience. - Highly effective partnership with sales teams to expand leads as well as potential channels; - Proven ability to plan, develop and implement marketing campaigns. - Consistent record of communicating and maintaining public relationships.- Adept at working with cross-department and regions.- Spearheading international business development and relationship building with partners, industry organizations and government authorities.
1)As you can see from my resume, I boosted marketing share by 30% in 5 five months when I was with YYY company. I believe my expertise in xxxx field and my proven ability of xxx could contribute significantly/ bring profits to our company. 2)During the past three years in YYY company, I maintained the knowledge of how to translate business leads into solid cooperation. I've built up strong social network with people from different classes and backgrounds. I'm confidient those personal resources will generate profits to our company.  3.What's your greatest weakness?這個問題也是面試官的心頭愛。一般我們遇到這種問題,如果沒有事前準備的話,也會癱倒在地,這個問題實在是太刁鑽了。一般情況下,大家會把自己的優點包裝成弱點,比如說:太善良,不會決絕別人的請求之類的。但職業培訓師說,這樣會顯得很假,那些老道的面試官是不會buy it的。所以,遇到這種問題,還是要真誠一些,畢竟sincerity is the best policy to earn trust但真誠也要講究技巧。比如,如果面試的是一個財務工作,你說自己是a person with a big vision, but sometimes miss some details那也不行,畢竟財務工作就是和小數點後面的數字較勁的工作,如果你不拘小節,那麼公司賬目估計會一塌糊塗,這樣的人面試官肯定不敢用。在比如,你去面試一個客戶維護的工作,但是你說 sometimes, I may lose patience. 這樣的話,基本也無緣這項工作了。所以儘管都是真誠,但還是要有策略,大前提就是這個缺點對於這份工作來說不是致命的,不是必須的skill set.一般回答這類問題,可以用欲揚先抑的辦法,先承認缺點,再強調正在改進或打算改進,之後再點綴上他人的評價,肯定改進效果,常見的可用答案比如“時間管理” “多工處理能力”等等,都算是無傷大雅,可以被接受的缺點。 精彩回答 Previously, I prefer colleagues could give me plenty of time to process and deal with various tasks so that I could fully prepare my plans. Now, I know I need to improve it in a fast-paced and multi-tasked environment. Hence, I pay more attention to time allocation and try to enhance skill set with the aid of computer-aided techniques. My director feels I am on the right track now! 這樣基本上算比較有進有退,有的放矢。 4.Where do you see yourself in 5 years?/What's your career goal?/ What's your long-term goal?一般來說,這個問題也是有點tricky的。這裡面試官主要考量的是穩定性和事業心。如果沒有規劃,會被面試官看成是混日子,沒有目標,沒有培養價值;但如果展示太多雄心,想法太多,面試官會覺得“非池中物”,長久留不住,穩定性不夠;因此,回答這個問題就需要把握度。 精彩回答 I will focus on my responsibilities and move on step by step. Of course, I would aim a higher position, for example department manager,  if my ability allows. But right now, I would just focus on the current job and get the work done. 
5. If your colleagues are jealous of you, what will you do?這類問題就是考察職場情商的,做得好,常常會有人嫉妒,那麼該怎樣調和職場關係呢?就像汪涵說的:沒事不惹事,事來了不怕事。這個問題正面來想,也算是一件大喜事,畢竟只有業績好,別人才會有想法,所以可以強調下做得好這個事實,並表態會再接再厲,繼續為公司增值。其次,學會找原因,一般職場強人給人的感覺都是硬邦邦的,與同事交流過少,導致人際關係不佳,別人才不會真心為你祝福。然後,說明自己的改進措施,多和他們溝通,為別人著想。聽過滬江講道理老師的課程的同學都知道,這個問題可以這樣巧妙回答: Firstly, If I'm highly appreciated by my boss because of my remarkable achievement for the company, I would consistently strive to work hard. Then I would reflect whether I pay too much attention to my job rather than socialize with my colleagues. You know sometimes a lack of bond with co-workers could result in jealousy. So I would enhance our relationship by finding and sharing interests. On the other hand, I think we should also put ourselves into the other's shoes. Last but not the least, don't gossip and never ever spread rumors. 
6. As a leader, how do you mediate conflicts in your team?這個問題考察的是如何調解矛盾還有個人領導力。通常來說,回答這個問題最好不能太空泛,要有例項支援。同時,調解應該是對事不對人,不要站隊,不要批評別人,用事實說話,畢竟誰也不喜歡被批評,尤其是對於那些認真工作的人,批評別人會讓別人沒有認同感。比如可以舉個小例子: Previously, I was responsible for managing company profiles for international road show. The two designers have very different ideas on the layout and content presentation. In addition, they are quite sticking to their own concepts and unwilling to make compromise.  以下闡述你採取的行動 Firstly, I invited them for a coffee chat in a cosy environment. I asked them to elaborate on their concept. Then, I analyzed the company's expectation on our program. Based on it, i broke down pros and cons in their ideas, and let them know which were in line with the overall goal, which were not. Lastly, I encouraged them to combine highlights of their own ideas and put them together in the final version.  以上是面試時候一些高頻問題,怎麼樣,看完有沒有一些感悟?有沒有感覺HR的套路也沒那麼可怕了呢?



