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為了幫助大家備考託業,下面小編給大家帶來託業七大題型詳解:Short Readings,預祝大家取得高分。


託業七大題型詳解:Short Readings

Short Readings



Part VII is the longest part of TOEIC. It's also the last part, so you may be starting to get tired. However, you need to stay focused on the test for a little longer. (Of course, if you want, you may work on part VII before you work on parts V and VI.)

Part VII consists of short reading passages followed by questions about the passages. There are four possible answer choices for each question. You must pick the best answer choice based on the information in the passage and then mark that answer on your answer sheet.

The Passages

There are from twelve to fifteen passages. Most are quite short. Some consist of only three or four sentences; the longest have around 150 words. The passages deal with a wide variety of topics and involve many different types of written materials.

There are from two to five questions per passage for a total of 40 questions. They include these three main types:

1. Overview questions

2. Detail questions

3. Inference questions

_Overview questions occur after most of the passages. To answer overview questions correctly, you need a "global" (overall) understanding of the passage. The most common overview question asks about the purpose or the main topic of the passage:

What does this article mainly discuss?

What is the purpose of this letter?

Why was this notice written?

Some ask about the best title or heading of a passage:

What is the best heading for this announcement?

Which of the fo/lowing is the best title for the article?

Other overview questions ask about the writer of the passage, the readers of the passage, or the place of publication:

In what business is the writer of the passage?

What is the author's opinion of ____ ?

Who would be most interested in the information in this announcement?

For whom is this advertisement intended?

Where was this article probably published_Detail questions, the most common type of Part VII question, ask about specific points in the passage. You will usually have to scan the passage to find and identify the information. Sometimes the answer and the information in the passage do not look the same. For example, a sentence in a passage may read "This process is not as simple as it once was." The correct answer may be "The process is now more complex."

Some detail questions are negative questions. These almost always include the word NOT, which is printed in uppercase (capital) letters:

Based on the information in the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

Negative questions usually take longer to answer than other detail questions.

_A few questions in Part VII are inference questions. The answers to these questions are not directly stated in the passage. Instead, you must draw a conclusion about the information that is given. Some typical inference questions:

Which of these statements is probably true?

Which of the following can be inferred from this notice?

Answer Choices

All are believable answers to the questions. Incorrect choices often contain information that is presented somewhere in the passage but does not correctly answer the question.

A Note About Vocabulary

Most of the vocabulary in the passages consists of relatively common English words and phrases, but there will certainly be expressions that you do not know. However, you can understand most of a reading and answer most of the questions even if you don't know the meaning of all the words. Also, you can guess the meaning of many unfamiliar words in the passages through context. In other words, you can use the familiar words in the sentence in which an unfamiliar word appears to get an idea of what the unfamiliar word means.



1. First, look at the passage quickly to get an idea of what it is about.

2. Next, read the questions about _Detail questions, the most common type of Part VII question, ask about specific points in the passage. You will usually have to scan the passage to find and identify the information. Sometimes the answer and the information in the passage do not look the same. For example, a sentence in a passage may read "This process is not as simple as it once was." The correct answer may be "The process is now more complex."

Some detail questions are negative questions. These almost always include the word NOT, which is printed in uppercase (capital) letters:

Based on the information in the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

Negative questions usually take longer to answer than other detail questions.

_A few questions in Part VII are inference questions. The answers to these questions are not directly stated in the passage. Instead, you must draw a conclusion about the information that is given. Some typical inference questions:

Which of these statements is probably true?

Which of the following can be inferred from this notice?

Answer Choices

All are believable answers to the questions. Incorrect choices often contain information that is presented somewhere in the passage but does not correctly answer the question.

A Note About Vocabulary

Most of the vocabulary in the passages consists of relatively common English words and phrases, but there will certainly be expressions that you do not know. However, you can understand most of a reading and answer most of the questions even if you don't know the meaning of all the words. Also, you can guess the meaning of many unfamiliar words in the passages through context. In other words, you can use the familiar words in the sentence in which an unfamiliar word appears to get an idea of what the unfamiliar word means.



1. First, look at the passage quickly to get an idea of what it is about.

2. Next, read the questions about









Part I: 圖片題(Photographs)

簡單的來說,就是看圖說話。你會看到如下的一張圖片 。


(A) They’re leaving the room.

(B) They’re turning on the machine.

(C) They’re standing near the table

(D) They’re reading the newspaper.



Part II: 問答題(Question-Response)


你可以看到僅僅是 Mark your answer on the answer sheet


Ms. Morikawa has worked here for a long time, hasn’t she?

(A) At three o’clock.

(B) No, I’ve lost my watch.

(C) More than ten years.


Part III: 對話題(Conversations)


(Woman) I think I’ll have to take the train to the regional sales meeting up in the city next week.

(Man) don’t you usually drive when you go to those meetings? I thought you didn’t like to take the train.

(Women) I don’t, but the highway’s being repaired, and I’m afraid I might be late if I have to make a detour through an area I don’t know very well.

(Men) you’re right. and it’ll be expensive to park up there, too


Why is the woman going to the city?

(A) To attend a sale考試大論壇

(B) To go to a meeting

(C) To get her car repaired

(D) To go on a tour

在這個題目中就明顯的包含了幾種常見的可能出現的錯誤。比如,原文當中有detour(繞開)這個詞,而D選項中tour來迷惑考生。整個對話的主題是圍繞著交通展開的,會讓考生錯誤的選擇C選項。正確的答案是B,因為本題問的是女生去城市的目的,而不是手段。正確的資訊來源是 to regional meeting。


在8月28的託業考試我得了440+430=870 雖然不是非常高的分,但應一個網友的要求,我想談談我對託業考試的心得。

在開始之前 我覺得有幾點很有必要申明

1 我只對我在整個學習過程中做過的事談談,沒有做的,或事後覺得可能會有用的想法我不會提出來,因為沒有自己去做,可行性值得推敲。

2 每個人的英語基礎不同,學習方法各異,我的方法不見得就是適用於你的,僅供參考。

3 我的英語基礎:4級87 6級73。所以在開始借鑑我的方法時多考慮你的英語處於怎樣的水平,不要盲目照搬。

4 學習英語是個漫長的過程,要的是持之以恆,沒有捷徑。請不要寄希望於靠神奇的方法來使英語突飛猛進。

5 我是大四學生,迫於找工作需要,考的TOEIC。我認為它對英語水平提高沒有什麼幫助。所以,想考的同學要清楚自己考這個目的是什麼,不要什麼熱就考什麼。

一 報名:


二 複習材料準備:



三 準備過程:








1 模擬一套題後,對完答案,開始反覆聽聽力部分,一道一道的聽。通常是聽上3,4遍還是聽不懂,就看聽力原文。接著把不熟悉的詞彙和表達記到一個本子上。再反覆聽,達到一種程度——就是不動腦筋就聽懂了就行。因為我口語一直學的是美語,對美語的發音習慣比較瞭解,所以很容易進入狀態。想要聽力提高,和你的口語發音,詞彙記憶是很有關係的。如果你讀的記的都是錯的,又怎麼能聽懂呢。建議注意區分美音和英音。

2 每天堅持聽一篇VOA STANDARD。方法同上,直到聽得明明白白。不建議聽SPECIAL,太慢了,只能拖慢你的聽力。要聽就聽正常語速的。



逐漸的,我發現託業聽力有規律可循,就兩個字“邏輯”。很多聽力內容都遵循這個,問什麼,答什麼,都有很強的邏輯性。尤其是PART2 一定要注意聽清第一句話的疑問詞,WHERE WHEN WHAT還是什麼,答案就跑不了了。



PART2:一定要注意聽清第一句話的疑問詞,WHERE WHEN WHAT還是什麼,用正常的邏輯推理,答案就很明確了。






兩週後查到成績 聽力440 閱讀430,總分870。



託業七大題型詳解:Short Readings



