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ing-bottom: 66.72%;">託福綜合寫作之閱讀材料歸納總結技巧


對於託福寫作裏面的第一道大餐,很多同學都有這樣的誤解:閱讀材料因爲會在考試過程中出現兩次,並且在最後文章的寫作當中,並不需要太多的閱讀的細節,所以在閱讀的時候只需要在確定了開頭段的中心論點之後,對後面三個分類點的閱讀內容,只集中在topic sentence上面就可以了。這實際上是一個誤區,因爲對閱讀材料的把控,會直接影響到後面聽力的結果。簡單說來,就是閱讀材料把握越好,聽力內容往往能把握得更準確,細節也更爲充分。下面想要和大家分享到 的,是April在託福綜合寫作的教學工程中總結出來的閱讀材料的解構方法,希望能對備考託福綜合寫作的同學有一些幫助。

二. 閱讀開頭段的解構

1. 閱讀開頭: 綜合寫作的開頭段,一般會先引出本篇文章話題,不管是什麼題材的題目,都會有話題引入的部分。我們閱讀開頭段主要目的是獲取題目的中心論點。



The sea otter is a small mammal that lives in waters along the western coast of North America from California to Alaska. When some sea otter populations off the Alaskan coast started rapidly declining a few years ago, it caused much concern because sea otters play an important ecological role in the coastal ecosystem. Experts started investigating the cause of the decline and quickly realized that there were two possible explanations: environmental pollution or attacks by predators. Initially, the pollution hypothesis seemed the more likely of the two.


Communal online encyclopedias represent one of the latest resources to be found on the Internet. They are in many respects like traditional printed encyclopedias collections of articles on various subjects. What is specific to these online encyclopedias, however, is that any Internet user can contribute a new article or make an editorial change in an existing one. As a result, the authored by the whole community of Internet users. The idea might sound attractive, but the communal online encyclopedias have several important problems that make them much less valuable than traditional, printed encyclopedias.


2. 閱讀材料中間段:總體說來,閱讀材料的中間段是以並列形式出現的,所以三個段落的解構方式也是一樣的。大部分題目的中間段是以一個topic sentence 開頭的,所以很多同學堅持認爲閱讀看看開頭句就好。實際上,對於大部分考試來說,三分鐘去讀這篇閱讀文章,時間是非常充分的,那麼考生應該做的是好好利用這個時間,對中間段的內容通讀一篇,解構的要點有兩個,一是要找出論證的角度,這有利於推測聽力材料的論證邏輯,其次是要通讀過後找出論證裏面的邏輯鏈,這是最後我們在寫作文章時,直接需要的東西。



Second, other sea mammals such as seals and sea lions along the Alaskan coast were also declining, indicating that whatever had endangered the otters was affecting other sea mammals as well. This fact again pointed to environmental pollution, since it usually affects the entire ecosystem rather than a single species. Only widely occurring predators, such as the orca (a large predatory whale), could have the same effect, but orcas prefer to hunt much larger prey, such as other whales


邏輯鏈“:同類型海洋生物死亡 ←污染導致的生態破壞/widely occurring predators→orcas only hunt much larger prey→只能是污染導致sea otters 數量下降

這個題目,如果只看開頭段,就會忽略到orcas 這樣的一種可能性,而後面的聽力材料,正是從這個角度求展開反駁的。可想而知,如果只看開頭段,既回使自己聽力邏輯不完整,也會使自己的聽力很難聽明白。


First, contributors to a communal online encyclopedia often lack academic credentials, thereby making their contributions partially informed at best and downright inaccurate in many cases. Traditional encyclopedias are written by trained experts who adhere to standards of academic rigor that non-specialists cannot really achieve

解析:論證角度:inaccuracy of online encyclopedia

論證邏輯:lack academic credentials→inaccurate contributions

這個題目的角度很明確,邏輯很清晰。把握住這兩點之後,我們可以確定聽力材料一定會從inaccuracy of online encyclopedia 這一點展開反駁,這樣我們在聽的過程中,可以不用糾結聽力的論證角度和邏輯,重點放到細節上面,使自己聽力材料能把握得更爲充分。




curiosity 好奇心

dependable/trustworthy 值得信賴的

coverage 覆蓋面

make headlines, newsworthy 成爲頭版頭條; 有新聞價值的

informative, entertaining 信息量大的; 娛樂的

privacy, violate/intrude on/infringe on someone's privacy 隱私; 侵犯某人隱私

ratings 評分

go viral /all the rage 變得流行

journalists/the press 記者;報刊,新聞界

groupies, icon, make a splash 追星族; 偶像; 產生轟動

clarify, censorship 澄清; 審查

blow things out of proportion, exaggerate things 誇大事實

commercial, flyer, billboard, poster, tabloid 電視廣告; 傳單; 廣告牌;海報;小報

quiz show, reality show, talk show, variety show 智力競爭節目; 真人秀; 脫口秀; 綜藝節目

sitcom, soap opera, current affairs 情景喜劇; 肥皂劇; 實事

the print media/the electronic media 紙媒; 電子媒體

be awash with/be inundated with/be saturated with sth. 被……所充斥

delete/eliminate/excise 刪除

excessive/gratuitous violent and pornographic contents 過量的暴力和色情內容

misleading/misrepresented/distorted 誤導的,扭曲的

celebrities, scandals 名人;醜聞

up‐to-?date/up‐to-?the-?minute 新的

code of ethics/code of conduct 道德準則,行爲準則

ubiquitous/prevalent 無所不在的

high-profile, low-?profile 高調,低調

fabricated, absurd/ludicrous 編造的;荒謬的



elderly people 老年人

family bonds 家庭紐帶

family values 家庭價值

strengthen/reinforce 加強

sibling 兄弟姐妹

cousin 表親

personality clash 性格衝突

household appliances 家用設備(電器等)

generation gap 代溝

neighborhood 鄰居

blood is thicker than water. 血濃於水

a sense of belonging 歸屬感

an attachment to sth. 對某事的執着和喜愛

single-parent households 單親家庭

domestic violence 家庭暴力

harmony 和諧



treacherous road conditions 危險的道路環境

public transit 公共交通

drunk driving 酒後駕駛

means of transportation 交通方式

vehicle 交通工具

densely-populated 人口密集的

be squished up 被擠得跟沙丁魚似的

impose higher taxes on 在……上課以重稅

metropolitan 大都市的

underpass 地下通道

overpass 天橋

steam-driven 蒸汽驅動的

petrol-driven 石油驅動的

hydrogen-driven 氫氣驅動的

chaotic 混亂的


