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多麼清新的一個早晨,陽光透過玻璃窗撒在早起的小鳥們身上。 歡迎再一次來到《Faith口語課堂-天天學》,我是Faith老師。準備好了,開始今天的英語學習快樂之旅嗎? 如果還沒準好,等你5分鐘,呵呵......

今天,我們來學習favor的幾個流行用法:favor也可拼成favor:n. 好感,寵愛,歡心, 喜愛,同時,也可以做動詞:vt. 支持,贊成,喜歡的意思:

用法1:表達幫忙,可以用這個詞組: do somebody a favor, do a favor for somebody, 幫某人個忙:
Excuse me, can you.do me a favor, could you pass this book to the one next to you. 對不想,能幫我忙嗎?能把這本書遞給你旁邊的那個同學嗎?
Let me do you a favor, it's just a piece of cake for me. 還是我來幫你吧,這件事對我來說是小菜一碟。
Would you like to do a favor for both of us: turn off the music! 行行好,能爲我倆做點事嗎? 把音樂關掉,好不好?

用法2:win a person's favor, 獲得某個的好感或恩寵, 拉擾某人:
I've won my boss's favor owing to my outstanding work. 我由於出色的工作贏得了我老闆的恩寵.
It's hard for you to win his favor since he's a very tough guy. 你很難把他拉擾過來,因爲他是一個個性很剛強的人。
I'm managing to win this handsome guy's favor. 我在試圖獲得那個帥哥的好感。

用法3:In favor of: 喜歡,贊成的意思,一般要用“be”動詞來完成句子,be in favor of something:
Are you in favor of his opinion?你會贊成他的意見嗎?
The students were in favor of the examination reform. 學生們都贊成這個考試改革。

用法4:In somebody's favor 對某人有利:
The exchange rate is in our favor. 這兌換率對我們有利。
The modified payment terms are in the seller’s favor. 修改後的付款條款對賣方有利。

那麼,今天的課程就到這兒,好嗎?這裏是《Faith口語課堂-天天學》,我是Faith老師,這首歌很好聽,Andru Donalds帶來的 All out of love,你一定會喜歡。




