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ing-bottom: 100%;">人教版初三上冊英語Unit5期末複習試題及答案

Ⅰ. 聽力試題

Ⅱ. 單項選擇(每小題1分,共10分)


16. There is a white house _______ many trees.

A. among B. between

C. during D. on

17. The tomato is in fact a fruit, _______ it is eaten as a vegetable.

A. because B. if

C. when D. although

18. —I think teenagers should not be allowed to get car licenses.

—I agree. They are not _______.

A. serious enough B. something serious

C. nothing serious D. enough serious

19. Around the world more and more people are _______ dangerous sports activities, because life in modern societies has become safe and boring.

A. taking out B. taking off

C. taking part in D. taking care of

20. Tom _______ Jack 1:0 at the 17th Tennis School Cup last night.

A. beated B. beat

C. wined D. won

21. She _______ every Sunday volunteering in an old man’s home.

A. gives B. spends

C. uses D. takes

22. You’re a _______ boy because you catch the last bus.

A. luck B. lucky

C. luckily D. unlucky

23. Zhang Yimou is one of the most famous _______.

A. director B. directors

C. artist D. artists

24. The environment is getting _______. We must do something to protect it.

A. better and better B. much better

C. worse and worse D. bad and bad

25. We must be quick. There is _______ time left.

A. few B. a few

C. little D. a little



School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can 26 everything at school and a teacher can’t teach his students everything they want to know. His 27 is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read 28 how to think. So much more is to be learnt outside school by the students 29 .

It is always more 30 to know how to study by oneself. It is quite 31 to learn something, but it is difficult to use it to solve problems. Great inventors (發明家) don’t get everything 32 school, but they still can 33 many things and change the world a lot.

How can the inventors do all of these? One of the answers is: they 34 how to study. A lot of things are not learnt in the classroom. They get a lot of knowledge by reading outside school. They work hard and never 35 their dreams.

26. A. teach B. learn

C. know D. do

27. A. plan B. job

C. decision D. thought

28. A. or B. but

C. and D. so

29. A. them B. their

C. himself D. themselves

30. A. important B. easy

C. difficult D. interesting

31. A. interesting B. hard

C. boring D. easy

32. A. from B. to

C. on D. by

33. A. invent B. let

C. write D. use

34. A. teach B. learn

C. know D. ask

35. A. learn B. work

C. invent D. give up




Do you still get free plastic bags from the supermarkets? Things have changed.

China has banned(禁止)free plastic bags at shops and supermarkets, and people have to pay for plastic bags. The rule started on June 1, 2008. It came because our country tried to make litter less. Making super-thin(超薄)plastic bags has also been banned.

The Chinese once used about 3,000,000,000 plastic shopping bags a day,and they have caused pollution of the environment (環境污染). The bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution because they are easy to break and people throw them away here and there. So the Chinese people are encouraged to bring their own bags for shopping.

What kind of shopping bag is the best to bring? Some students in Chongqing have a good idea. They make their own shopping bags. They use old clothes to make cloth bags(布袋), and send them to their parents as presents. They also ask their parents and friends to use cloth bags instead of plastic ones. They think it is their duty to protect(保護)the environment.

36. People in China have to _______ now.

A. throw plastic bags here and there

B. collect plastic bags in the streets

C. pay for plastic bags at shops and supermarkets

D. use free plastic bags at shops and supermarkets

37. China made this rule because plastic bags were bad for the _______.

A. environment B. litter

C. shops D. supermarkets

38. The Chinese people are encouraged to bring _______for shopping.

A. no bags B. free plastic bags

C. their own bags D. super-thin plastic bags

39. Some students in Chongqing _______.

A. ask their parents to make cloth bags

B. make cloth bags themselves

C. pick up plastic bags everywhere

D. buy cloth bags for their parents

’s the main idea of this article(文章)?

A. Making super-thin plastic bags has been banned in China.

B. The bags have become a main cause of plastic pollution.

C. Some students in Chongqing begin to make their own shopping bags.

D. To protect the environment, free plastic bags have been banned in China.


Each year there is an increasing number of cars on the roads and streets as millions of new cars and trucks are produced. One out of every six Americans works at putting together the parts of the cars, driving trucks, building roads, or filling cars with gas. Americans won’t live without cars!

Most Americans would find it hard to think what life could look like without a car. However,some have realized the serious problem of the air pollution caused by the car. The polluted air becomes poisonous and dangerous to people’s health.

One way to get rid of the polluted car is to design a car that does not pollute. That’s what several of the large car factories have been trying to do. But to build a clean car is easier said than done. Progress in this field has been slow.

Another way is to take the place of the car engine (發動機)by something else. Inventors are now working on steam cars as well as electric cars. Many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model that pleases man.

To prevent the world from being polluted by car, we’ll have to make some changes. Americans,for example, have to cut down on the number of their total cars. They are encouraged to travel and to go to work by bicycle. Bicycling is thought to help keep the air clean.

But this change doesn’t come easily—a large number of workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory closes down. Thus the problem of air pollution would become less important than that of unemployment.

Although cars have led us to a better life, they have also brought us new problems.

41. Some large car factories in the US are trying to build a new kind of car which _______.

A. is clean in itself B. is used to clean streets

C. is easier to make D. does not pollute the air

42. If the number of cars cuts down, the most serious problem to American workers is to _______.

A. have no work to do B. improve their environment

C. go to work by bike D. make their factories richer

43. The writer wants to tell us that _______.

A. riding a bike is the only way out

B. the number of cars must be cut down

C. people wouldn’t live without cars

D. cars bring us not only a better life but also serious problems

44. Which fact does the passage provide?

A. About one sixth of American workers are working in car factories.

B. The best way to get rid of air pollution is to change the car engine by something else.

C. It isn’t easy to change the way of life in the US.

D. In the US bikes will surely take the place of cars in the future.

45. Which is the best title(標題)for the passage?

A. A New Way to Get Rid of Polluted Air

B. Cars and Polluted Air

C. Many Serious Problems in the US

D. Changes in Car Production


Adopting Animals(領養動物)

Would you like to adopt an animal? Although this sounds very unusual, some children have done this. The Natural Zoo has given people the chance to adopt animals by paying for all of its food for one year. One of the animals that needed parents was a young tiger named Brocky. The people at the zoo said that it would cost about $ 900 a year for the food for Brocky.

Not many boys and girls have $ 900 to spend. That is why several hundred children and grown-ups each have sent a little money to the zoo to help pay for Brocky’s food. Some children sent in only a quarter because that was all the money they had. Other children sent in more money than that.

Since so many people sent money to the zoo to help pay for Brocky’s food, he now will be able to eat as much as he wants. Brocky surely must be a happy tiger to know that he has so many adopted parents. Many children must also be happy to know that they have helped to feed him. It really will be thrilling for those children to go to the Natural Zoo to visit their adopted tiger Brocky.

46. Brocky is ________.

A. an animal zoo B. an adopted child

C. a tiger without children’s love D. a tiger in need of adoption

47. Several hundred people give money to the zoo to help Brocky because ________.

A. its food is too expensive for one person to afford

B. people don’t want to spend too much money on Brocky

C. people don’t love Brocky enough

D. the zoo forces them to do so

48. Children will be ________ if they go to the zoo to visit the tiger Brocky.

A. frightened B. excited and happy

C. nervous D. surprised

49. With so many people’s money, Brocky now can _________.

A. play with many toys

B. live without being hungry

C. eat meat every day

D. have an air-conditioned room to live in

50. We can infer(推斷) from the passage that ________.

A. zoos are too poor to feed the animals

B. there are too many animals in the zoo

C. many people are kind to animals

D. children love animals better than adults do



Maria: Did you use to eat candy?

Peter: Yes, I did.

Maria: 51

Peter: No, I don’t. 52

Maria: Me? I enjoy eating candy all the time. I also used to watch TV a lot.

Peter: So did I. Did you use to spend much time in playing computer games?

Maria: Yes, I did. 53 I used to walk to school. How about you?

Peter: I used to go to school by bus. But now I like walking to school. 54

Maria: No, I ride a bike to school every day. 55

Peter: Of course I did.

A. Do you walk to school now?

B. But I just don’t have time anymore.

C. Do you like eating candy now?

D. Did you use to ride a bike when you were free?

E. What about you?

51. 52. 53. 54. 55.



56. Walking on the beach makes you feel __________(放鬆).

57. Give plenty of p_______ and encouragement.

58. There’re sixty s________ in a minute.

59. It’s known that the Big Ben is in E__________.

60. You’d better keep s_______ when I take a photo of you.



old, shoe, stand, foot, pick, small, feel, clear, need, use

Learn to share (分享)

One day, while I was sitting in my car in a parking area, I noticed a young boy in front of my car. “What is the boy doing?” I asked myself and looked closely. “Oh, he is 61 up a coin from the ground.” When he 62 up, we saw each other 63 . He was not 64 than ten and was wearing one blue glove (手套) and one brown glove. His coat was too 65 for him.

As he walked away, I saw his 66 , which were too old to wear. I rolled down my window and called him over.

I asked him if he 67 some money. He replied, “No. That’s okay.”

The parking area was wet. I could tell that his 68 were cold because he kept moving his weight from one foot to the other.

“Please,” I held out a five-dollar bill(鈔票). “It’s not much, but when the money is shared, it is much more 69 ,” I said.

He took off one of his gloves and took the money from my hand. His small hand was red and cold.

He smiled and went away after saying “Thank you!” to me. That smile made me 70 warm in the cold winter.





16. A 結合選項可知句意爲“在許多樹之間有一棟白房子”。表示“在……之間”應用among或between,故排除C、D兩項;among表示在三者或三者以上事物之間,between表示在兩者之間,由many trees 可知選among。

17. D because意爲“因爲”,引導原因狀語從句;if意爲“如果”,引導條件狀語從句;when意爲“當……時”,引導時間狀語從句;although意爲“雖然”,引導讓步狀語從句。根據句意“西紅柿實際上是一種水果,______它被當作蔬菜吃”可知應用although引導讓步狀語從句,故選D。

18. A 空格處句意爲“他們不足夠穩重”。enough修飾形容詞時,應放在形容詞的後面。

19. C take out“取出”;take off“脫下,起飛”;take part in“參加”;take care of“照顧”。由sports activities可知應用take part in。故選C。

20. B beat和win的過去式分別爲beat和won,故排除A、C兩項;beat後跟比賽的對手,win後跟比賽項目,由空格後的Jack可知選B。

21. B spend some time (in) doing sth.花費時間做某事。

22. B 此處修飾名詞boy,故用形容詞形式,luck爲名詞,luckily爲副詞,故排除A、C兩項;由原因狀語從句句意“因爲你趕上了最後一班公共汽車”可知是幸運的,lucky意爲“幸運的”,unlucky意爲“不幸的”,故選B。

23. B director“導演”,artist“畫家”。由常識可知張藝謀是導演,故排除C、D兩項;“one of+the+形容詞最高級+可數名詞複數”爲固定結構,故選B。

24. C 由後句句意“我們必須做點兒事來保護它”可知前句句意爲“環境正變得越來越差”。表示“越來越差”應用worse and worse。故選C。

25. C time是不可數名詞,排除A、B兩項,由句意可知此處表示否定含義,所以用little修飾time。

26. B 此處是指沒有人在學校裏能學到一切東西。

27. B 結合後文可知此處談論的是教師的工作。

28. C 結合 how to read 和 how to think 可知是表示並列關係,故用and。

29. D 此處是指更多的東西需要學生們自己在校外學習。

30. A 此處是指懂得如何獨立學習總是更重要。important意爲“重要的”。

31. D 結合後面的but及difficult可知選easy。

32. A get…from…意爲“從……得到……”。

33. A 發明家發明東西。

34. C 結合下文可知,此處是指發明家們懂得如何學習。故選know。

35. D give up意爲“放棄”。

36. C 由第二段中的“China has banned…have to pay for plastic bags.”可知答案爲C。

37. A 由第三段可知中國製訂這項法規是因爲塑料袋對環境有害。

38. C 由第三段最後一句話可知答案爲C。

39. B 由第四段可知重慶的一些學生自己製作布袋。

40. D 本文的主題應是:爲了保護環境,免費的塑料袋在中國已被禁止。

41. D 由第三段中的第一、二句話可知選D項。

42. A 由倒數第二段第一句話可知選A項。

43. D 通讀全文可知,汽車不僅給人們帶來了便利,而且給人們帶來了一些嚴重的問題。

44. C 通過排除法可知,正確答案應爲C項。

45. B 全文主要講述了汽車及其帶來的環境污染等問題,故正確答案應爲B項。

46. D 由第一段的“One of the animals that needed parents was a young tiger named Brocky.”


47. A 由第一段的最後一句及第二段可知。

48. B 由最後一段的倒數第一、二句可知。

49. B 由最後一段的第一句“Since so many people sent money to the zoo to help pay for

Brocky’s food, he now will be able to eat as much as he wants.”可知。

50. C 通讀全文可知,許多人對動物很友善。

51~55 CEBAD

56. relaxed 57. praise 58. seconds

59. England 60. still

61. picking 62. stood 63. clearly

64. older 65. small 66. shoes

67. needed 68. feet ul

70. feel

One possible version:

When I see someone litter about, I will be very angry. If that happens around me, I would say to him politely, “Excuse me, would you mind not littering about and picking it up?” If he doesn’t listen to me, I would pick it up and set an example to him. I think this would make his face turn red and perhaps he would not do that again. It’s everyone’s duty to protect our environment.









