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Early results suggested the No camp had won Sunday’s highly divisive referendum in Greece over the terms of its international bailout, a vote which creditors deemed an in-out choice on euro membership.


With a third of the vote counted, the No camp was solidly ahead on 61 per cent and was ahead in every region of the country, leading experts to predict victory for Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras.



If confirmed, a No vote would plunge Greece deeper into turmoil as it tries to prevent the collapse of a financial system that is rapidly running out of cash.


“This could mark the point of no return. Greece and the euro have now entered totally uncharted waters,” said Mujtaba Rahman, head of European analysis at the risk consultancy Eurasia Group.

風險諮詢公司歐亞集團(Eurasia Group)歐洲分析主管穆傑塔巴拉赫曼(Mujtaba Rahman)表示:“這可能標誌着希臘已走上不歸路。希臘和歐元區現在已進入完全陌生的未知境地。”

Mr Tsipras said a No vote — technically a rejection of the creditors’ last-ditch bailout offer to Athens — would strengthen his hand in renewed bailout talks.


But eurozone leaders said it would set the stage for Greece’s exit from the single currency.


Greek banks are fast running out of cash. The Greek central bank requested further emergency loans for lenders and its governor Yannis Stournaras was due to call European Central Bank president Mario Draghi later on Sunday.

希臘各銀行的現金在迅速告罄。希臘央行爲該國銀行請求更多緊急貸款,央行行長亞尼斯斯圖納拉斯(Yannis Stournaras)定於週日晚些時候給歐洲央行(ECB)行長馬里奧德拉吉(Mario Draghi)打電話。


