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old friend of mine is coming to see me,Hobo.霍波,我的一位老朋友要來看我。

an old friend of mine意爲“我的一位老朋友"。


如:a pen of Jim’s(吉姆的 一支鋼筆),a book of hers(她的一本書)。

it enough for a can of dog foo d?這錢夠買一聽狗糧嗎?

此處的for相當於to buy a can of dog food意爲“一聽狗糧"。

ping is fun.購物真有趣。

句中shopping是動名詞作主語。此結構可以 轉換成:It is fun to shop.


如:Running and swimming are good for US.跑步和游泳對我們有好處。


ese paintings 中國油畫

the museum 在博物館

3.1earn all about 全面瞭解

a boat 划船

far 多遠

other 互相

shopping 去購物

a farm 在農場

the birds sing 聽到鳥兒歌唱

e cows 養牛

nd 帶領某人蔘觀

12.a wonderful place to live 一個居住的好地方


1、can't stand無法忍受

stand(1)vt.容忍,忍受(=bear) 進行時,尤其用於否定句或疑問句中,強調不喜歡,常與cancould等情態動詞連用。

句型: can't stand sth.不能忍受某物

can't stand doing sth.不能忍受做某事

can't stand g sth.不能忍受某人做某事

I can't stand the hot weather.我忍受不了炎熱的天氣。

I can't stand living here any longer.我不能忍受繼續呆在這兒了。

He can't stand her making the same mistake again.他忍受不了她又犯同樣的錯誤。


There stands a big tree on the top of the mountain.山頂上有一顆大樹。

2、I like to follow the story and see what happens next.我喜歡跟隨故事看接下來發生什麼。

ow vt.跟隨(=go after)following adj接着的,其次的

Spring follows winter.冬去春來。 句型follow sb. to do sth.跟着某人做某事

His mother followed him to see where he was going.他媽媽跟着他,看他要去哪兒。


(1)follow vt.遵循,仿效

短語:follow one's advice聽從某人的勸告

follow one's example學某人的榜樣

You should follow your teacher's advice and work hard.你應該聽老師的勸告,努力學習。

(2)follow vt.聽懂,聽清

I'm afraid I can't follow you,sir. Could you please speak moreslowly?先生,我沒聽清,您能說更慢點嗎?

en vi."發生",與take place同義。

I don't know how this happened.我不知道這事是怎麼發生的。

句型:sth. happen+地點|時間狀語 某時某地發生了某事

sth. happen to sb.某人發生了什麼事

sth. happen to do sth.某人碰巧做某事

A car accident happened to her this morning.今天上午她出了車禍。

He happened to meet a friend of his on the street yesterday afternoon.


辨析:happen與take place

happen指偶然的、計劃外的事情發生。 take place指計劃中的事情發生。

What happened when you told him the news?你告訴他這個消息時,他有何反應? Great changeshave taken place in my hometown.我的家鄉發生了巨大的變化。


