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Hillary Clinton called on Bernie Sanders on Sunday to help “unify the Democratic Party” after Tuesday’s primaries in California and New Jersey when she is expected in effect to clinch the nomination. With Mr Sanders insisting he will carry on his campaign until the party’s July convention, Mrs Clinton said Tuesday’s results would show she had “decisively won” the popular vote and the contest for pledged delegates.


希拉里•克林頓(Hillary Clinton)週日呼籲伯尼•桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)在週二加州和新澤西州初選後幫助“團結民主黨”,屆時預計她將鎖定民主黨候選人提名。桑德斯堅稱他將在7月民主黨全國代表大會之前繼續參選,希拉里表示,週二的結果將表明她已“決定性贏得”選民投票以及承諾代表投票。

“I’m going to do everything I can to reach out to try to unify the Democratic Party, and I expect Senator Sanders to do the same,” she told CNN on Sunday.


The two candidates were sparring ahead of what is likely to be the decisive week in a Democratic nominating contest that has been much longer and more contentious than most party leaders had predicted.


The former secretary of state is about 60 delegates short of the 2,383 she needs to secure the party’s nomination. Given her strong lead in opinion polls in New Jersey and the time difference between the east and west coasts, analysts believe she will have wrapped up the necessary support before voting closes in California.


However, the results in the more closely fought contest in California will set the tone for whether the whole party — especially the legions of younger voters that the Vermont senator has drawn into the primaries — falls in line behind Mrs Clinton.


A Sanders victory in the country’s most populous state, where he has been gaining ground in some polls, could greatly complicate Mrs Clinton campaign’s plans to focus on Donald Trump, the Republican nominee.

如果桑德斯在這個美國人口最多的州的初選中獲勝(他在一些民調中支持率越來越高),可能會讓希拉里陣營把精力放在共和黨總統候選人唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)身上的計劃變得極其複雜。


