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In “The Empress of China,” Fan Bingbing portrays Wu Zetian, the only woman in Chinese history to rule in her own right. When the highly anticipated Television show “The Empress of China” was abruptly pulled from Chinese airwaves just days after its premiere on Dec. 21, many speculated that the reason might have had less to do with technical problems, as the show’s producers claimed on its official microblog account, than with one aspect of the show that was, well, impossible to miss: the plunging necklines and tightly squeezed bosoms.


That speculation was confirmed on Thursday evening when the show, a palace drama set in the Tang dynasty (A.D. 618-907) and featuring the actress Fan Bingbing, who also had roles in the Hollywood films “X-Men: Days of Future Past” and “Iron Man 3”, resumed. Although the story line appeared to have been unaltered, it was clear that the show’s aesthetic had undergone a major transformation. The ample chests that once filled television screens were suddenly nowhere to be seen.

週四傍晚,當該劇復播時,這一猜測被證實了。儘管故事情節似乎沒有變,但顯然,該劇的審美經歷了重大轉變。曾經佔滿屏幕的豐滿胸部突然不見了。該劇是一部宮廷劇,時間設定在唐代(公元618年-907年),由曾出演過《X戰警:逆轉未來》(X-Men: Days of Future Past)和《鋼鐵俠3》(Iron Man 3)的女星范冰冰擔綱主演。

The online reaction among the show’s loyal fans has been nothing short of outrage.


“I really hate SAPPRFT!” wrote one user on Sina Weibo, referring to the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, China’s top broadcast regulator. “The show was so beautiful! It’s the Tang dynasty — the characters are supposed to have plump bosoms! Now you’ve cut it so all that’s left is a big head. Thumbs down.”



Another user wrote: “I really had no idea that 21st-century people could be this conservative. They’re not even as open-minded as people from the Tang dynasty one millennium ago.”


Revealing décolletage is only the latest target to come into the cross hairs of China’s entertainment censors. In the past, the regulator cracked down on television shows that depicted time travel (thought to “lack positive thoughts and meaning”), adultery and one-night stands, and, most recently, wordplay and puns, which are thought to be “contradictory in spirit to the continuation and enhancement of outstanding traditional Chinese culture,” according to regulators.


Nor is it the first time that the authorities have stepped in to disrupt the screening of a television show or film. Minutes after the midnight premiere of “Django Unchained” in 2013, the Quentin Tarantino film was suddenly pulled from theaters, ostensibly because of objections to graphic scenes involving nudity and bloodshed that censors had apparently overlooked earlier. And, just last month, the premiere of the Chinese director Jiang Wen’s new film, “Gone With the Bullets,” was postponed at the last minute, also for reasons that are thought to be related to racy scenes.“The Empress of China,” or “The Saga of Wu Zetian,” as it is known in China, is broadcast on Hunan Satellite Television, a provincial television station known for its popular programs. The station, often seen as one of the major competitors to CCTV, China’s state broadcaster, has been the target of censors in the past. In 2003, the authorities canceled a weather show with scantily clad presenters, and in 2011, they pulled the plug on the hugely popular talent show “Super Girl,” similar to “American Idol,” which had been criticized by government officials for being “vulgar” and “manipulative.”

這也不是當局第一次介入、中斷電視劇或電影的播出。2013年,在《被解救的姜戈》(Django Unchained)舉行零點首映幾分鐘後,昆汀·塔倫蒂諾(Quentin Tarantino)的這部影片突然在影院被叫停,表面上是因爲反對涉及裸體和流血暴力的畫面。監管機構早前似乎忽略了這些畫面。此外,就在上月,中國導演姜文的新片《一步之遙》的首映式在最後時刻被推遲,原因也被認爲和露骨的畫面有關。《武媚娘傳奇》在以流行節目著名的省級電視臺湖南衛視播出。該電視臺常被視作中國的國家級電視臺中央電視臺的主要競爭對手之一,是審查機構的目標。2003年,當局取消了一檔由衣着暴露的主持人主持的天氣節目。2011年,他們叫停了極受歡迎的才藝節目《快樂女聲》。政府官員指責這檔類似於《美國偶像》(American Idol)的節目“低俗”且“具有操縱性”。

Speaking after the cancellation of the talent show, a spokesman for the television station said it would be replacing the show with programs that promoted healthy morals, public safety and “practical information about housework.”


“The Empress of China” is based on the life of Wu Zetian, the only woman in Chinese history to rule in her own right. Ms. Fan plays the seventh-century imperial concubine-turned-empress, celebrated in historical accounts for her cunning, ruthless drive for power, wanton sexuality and, in her younger years, mesmerizing beauty.



