
亞洲企業權衡人民幣貶值影響 Asia Inc weighs impact of renminbi devaluation

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Shortly before Airbus celebrated the completion of the 100th A320 aircraft at its Chinese final assembly facility in September 2012, the renminbi was trading at Rmb6.4 to the US dollar. Over the following eight months it would strengthen 3 per cent against the greenback to Rmb6.2.


This week the renminbi did the exact opposite, falling from Rmb6.2 to the dollar to Rmb6.4. It did so in just two days after the Chinese central bank shocked global markets on Tuesday by lowering the renminbi’s daily “reference rate” to the greenback — around which China’s currency is allowed to rise or fall by 2 per cent — by an unprecedented 1.9 per cent.


亞洲企業權衡人民幣貶值影響 Asia Inc weighs impact of renminbi devaluation

Coupled with its pledge to set the reference rate closer to the renminbi’s previous close, the People’s Bank of China raised market expectations for a much more volatile trading environment for the renminbi. According to the central bank’s new rules, the Chinese currency could theoretically rise or fall by as much as 10 per cent over the course of a week.


While such moves may be normal for most currencies, similar swings by the renminbi constitute a dramatic change for Chinese companies and foreign investors.


For China-based manufacturers, such as Airbus’s “final assembly line” joint venture in the port city of Tianjin, the renminbi’s tumble this week is good news. That is because the joint venture books euro earnings from its European parent while most of its costs are in renminbi.


“We try to keep away from these [foreign exchange] fluctuations as much as we can through hedging,” says Andreas Ockel, the joint venture’s general manager. Hedging became increasingly necessary as the euro’s purchasing power fell from more than Rmb10 at the facility’s launch in 2008 to less than Rmb7 this year.

空客天津總裝線總經理歐凱翔(Andreas Ockel)表示:“我們試圖藉助對衝手段,儘可能地規避這類(匯率)波動。”2008年該廠投產時,歐元兌人民幣的匯率還是1歐元兌10元人民幣,今年已降至1歐元兌不到7元人民幣。歐元在華購買力的下降使對衝越來越有必要。

On an inflation-adjusted basis, the renminbi has risen more than 25 per cent against the euro over the past year alone.


Airbus’s Chinese airline customers, by contrast, have renminbi earnings but largely foreign exchange-based costs for items such as aircraft and fuel. Their share prices have fallen this week as investors calculated the potential impact of a much weaker renminbi.


China Southern Airlines, which has more aircraft than any other Asian carrier, had more than $16.5bn in dollar-denominated debt at the end of 2014. According to China Southern’s annual report, every 1 per cent fall in the value of the renminbi costs it almost Rmb770m in additional debt servicing costs.

中國南方航空公司(China Southern Airlines)擁有的飛機數量超過其它任何亞洲航空公司。2014年底,該公司揹負逾165億美元的美元債務。根據南航的年報,人民幣匯率每下跌1%,該公司就要額外負擔近7.7億元人民幣的償債成本。

Chinese property companies, whose shares have also collapsed this week, are in a similar bind. “Property companies could be hit hard as they issued large amounts of high-yield US dollar bonds offshore to finance land purchases in China,” says Zhou Hao, an economist with Commerzbank. “As [their] income is mostly in renminbi, the depreciation will add pressure on their balance sheets.”


Mr Zhou estimates that Chinese companies have issued more than 20 per cent of all high-yield dollar bonds. In addition to airlines and property developers, he predicts that Chinese oil companies and commodity traders would also be badly hit by a weaker renminbi.


The key question for all companies affected by the renminbi’s unprecedented declines is whether its fall will continue, as the market initially appeared to believe.


“Domestic corporates and international investors have realised that a slowing [Chinese economy] and ever-lower interest rates are at odds with a policy of keeping the renminbi strong and steady against the dollar,” says one Beijing-based executive. “They have therefore taken increasingly large positions to gain from a potentially weaker renminbi.”


China’s central bank has moved to counter such expectations. On Wednesday it declared that there was “no basis for persistent [renminbi] depreciation” and also intervened to support the renminbi.


On Thursday morning the Chinese currency fell just 0.3 per cent against the dollar, implying that the central bank’s message had been received. In case it had not, it was reiterated by Yi Gang, a central bank vice-governor, at a rare and hastily convened press conference.


That will disappoint many manufacturing companies who are hoping for a short, sharp devaluation of at least 10 per cent. They have been badly squeezed by the renminbi’s 25 per cent rise in value against the dollar since 2005 and ever-higher labour costs.


“If the devaluation is just a few percentage points, it doesn’t make much difference for manufacturers,” says Gerhard Flatz, who manages a sportswear company that exports from southern Guangdong province. “But if it’s more than 10 percentage points, it will help us fend off competition from the likes of Bangladesh and Vietnam.”

在廣東省管理一家生產出口運動服企業的格哈德弗拉茨(Gerhard Flatz)表示:“如果只是貶值幾個百分點,那對製造商來說沒什麼不同。然而如果貶值10個百分點以上,那將幫助我們抵擋孟加拉國和越南等國家的競爭。”

“Right now Guangdong’s manufacturing industry is facing great challenges because of increasing costs,” adds Willy Lin, managing director of a Hong Kong knitwear company. “If the government wants to [help], they need to maintain the devaluation for at least six to 12 months.”

香港一家針織品企業的董事總經理Willy Lin補充說:“目前,由於不斷上升的成本,廣東製造業正面臨巨大挑戰。如果政府想(幫忙),他們需要保持人民幣貶值趨勢至少6到12個月。”

Additional reporting by Wan Li and Gloria Cheung

萬麗、Gloria Cheung補充報道


