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ing-bottom: 61.88%;">初一英語知識點上冊總結


Unit 1


1. Good morning/ afternoon / evening 早上/下午/晚上好 Good night 晚安(晚上告別)

2. glad / nice to meet / see you 見到你很高興 (回答也一樣)

3. welcome to + 地點 歡迎來到…… (回答:Thank you 或者Thanks)

’s + V(原) 讓我們做……

5. stand up 起立 sit down 坐下

6. this is----- 這是…… (用於介紹第三者的用語)

7. How do you do ?你好 (回答也是:How do you do ? )

8. How are you ? 你好嗎? Fine ,thank you you ? 很好;謝謝;你呢?

I’m OK / I’m fine , too . 我也很好。

you = see you later = see you soon = good-bye 再見

se me 打擾一下;請問

11.I’m -----= my name is ---- 我是……

12. be from = come from 來自

English 用英語

you spell it ? Yes / No 你能拼寫它嗎? 能/不能

’s OK / That’s all right / You’re welcome / Not at all 不用謝

16. …… years old ……歲

phone number 電話號碼 QQ number QQ號碼 ID number 身份證

same (相同的) 反義詞是 different (不同的)

例: We are in the same grade, but we are in different classes.


1. What is your name ? 你的名字是什麼?

2. Where +be + 主語 + from? 某人來自於哪裏?(回答:主語+be+地點)

Where are you from? I am from quanzhou.

3. How old + be + 主語? 某人幾歲? (回答: 主語 + be + 數字 )

例: How old are you ? I’m forteen.

4. What is your telephone number? 你的電話號碼是多少?

(回答:My telephone number is----或者It’s -------)注意:讀出號碼的時候要逐個讀出。

5. What class / grade +be + 主語 + in ? 某人在哪一個班級/年級?

例:what class are you in ? I am in Class Five. (注意:Class 和 Five需要大寫)

what grade are you in ? I am in Grade Seven.(注意:Glass 和 Seven需要大寫)

6. What’s this/ that (in English) ? 這是什麼? (回答:It’s a/an + 單數名詞. 這是……)

What’ re these/ those (in English) ? 這些是什麼?(回答:They’re + 複數名詞 這些是……)

7. How do you spell it ? 你怎麼拼寫它? E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser. (注意拼讀方法)

Unit 2

+ has/ have ( an /a ) + adj + 五官 === sb’s 五官 is / are + adj (描述長相)

例:Lily has a small nose. = Lily’s nose is small.

2.I know = I see 我明白了

’s right 那是對的

the same look like 看起來相像 look different 看起來不同

例: Jim and Lilei look the same.== Jim looks like Lilei. .

5. look at + n 看某物 look for +n 尋找某人/某物 look after +n 照顧某人

兩者都…… all 三者或者三者以上都……

Both 和 all位於 be動詞或情態動詞後,位於行爲動詞前。

例: We are both students. We both have black eyes. We can both speakEnglish.

7. give sth to sb = give sb sth 把某物給某人; (注意:如果sth是it或them,只能用前者)

8. have different looks == look different 有着不同的長相 (看起來不相像)

have the same look. ==look the same 有着相同的長相 (看起來很相像)

there 在那邊 come in 請進 go out 出去

10. in + 顏色 或 in a/an/the +顏色 + 衣服 表示穿着……顏色的衣服

常常接在名詞的後面,表示穿----顏色衣服的…… 如 the girl in red is my sister.

11. too + adj 太……

s 和 shoes 做主語,謂語動詞用複數;但a pair of pants/ shoes作主語時,謂語動詞用單數形式

例: His shoes are black. A pair of shoes is under the bed.

13. in the morning/ afternoom/ evening 在早上/下午/晚上 at night 在晚上

shopping = go to the shop 去購物 類似的有 go swimming go fishing go skating等等

sb. ( to ) do sth == help sb with sth 幫助某人做某事 注意:sb 用代詞時必須用賓格

school 中學

+球類 play the 樂器

k of 認爲,想 think about 考慮 I think + 從句 我認爲……

I think he you are right. 否定式常否定主句,但翻譯時要否定後面的從句

例:I don’t think he can come. 我認爲他不會來了.(不能說:我不認爲他會來)


1. What do/does + 主語 + look like ? 詢問人的長相

例: What does your English teacher look like ?

’s -----and ------? ……加……是什麼?(回答:It’s ------)

例:What’s red and yellow? It’s orange. What’s two and five? It’s seven.

e + 東西 + is this/ that ? Whose + 東西 +are these/ those ? 這/這些是誰的……?

例:Whose coat is this ? It is mine. Whose shoes are these ? They arehers.

is the letter from? 這封信來自於誰? It’s from Lily. 它來自於莉莉。

color be + 東西? (回答:It’s +顏色 或者 They’er + 顏色)

例:What color is your dress? It’s black.



Good morning/afternoon/evening.

Good morning/afternoon/evening.

How are you? I’m fine,/OK,thanks. Fine,thanks.

What’s this in English? It’s a map. It’s V.

Spell it please. K-E-Y.

What color is it/the key? It’s blue. The key is yellow.

Hello, Frank. Hello/Hi, Eric.

Unit 1 My name is Gina.


What’s your name? My name is Jenny. /I’m Jenny. /Jenny.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you , too.

What’s his name? His name is Jenny. Jenny.

What’s her name? Her name is Linda.. Linda.

What’s your first name? My first name is Jack. Jack.

What’s your last/family name?

My last/family name is Green. It’s Green.

What’s your/his/her phone number?

My /His/Her phone number is 234-4567. /It’s 281-9176.


1 name’s=name is 名字是

2 I’m=I am 我是

3 she’s=she is 她是

he’s=he is 他是

you’re =you are 你是(複數形式)

they’re=they are 他(她;它)們是

that’s=that is 那是

isn’t=is not 不是(單數形式)

he’s not =he is not=he isn’t 他不是

what’s=what is 什麼是

where’s=where is 在哪兒是

Let’s=Let us 讓我們

4 Nice to meet/see you 見到你很高興

5 last name=family name=surname 姓氏

6 first name = given name 名字

7 telephone number 電話號碼

=phone number 電話號碼

8 ID card 身份證

9 Good morning (to sb) 早上好

10 Good afternoon 下午好

11 Good night /evening . 晚上好

12 Sit down, please. =Have a seat, please. 請坐

13 That’s all right. 好;行;不用謝;沒關係

That’s right . 對的、正確的

All right . 好的,行,好吧

14 Not at all.=It’s a/my pleasure.=That’s OK.

=You’re welcome.=That’s all right. 不用謝

Unit 2 Is this your pencil?


Is that/this/it your backpack? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t . It’s hisbackpack.

This/That is my eraser.

How do you spell it/pen? P-E-N.

Call Allan at 486-67895 Call 685-6098 Call Mary. Phone # 235-7865.

Is that your computer game in the lost and found case? Yes, it is. No, itisn’t.


1 pencil case 鉛筆盒

2 pencil sharpener 卷筆刀

3 pen pal =pen friend 筆友

4 Thank you. =Thanks . 謝謝你

5 in English 用英語

6 computer game(s) 電子遊戲

7 Lost and Found 失物招領

8 a set of 一副;一套

a set of keys 一串鑰匙

9 who’s=who is 誰是

11 it’s=it is 它是

12 look at 朝…看

13 ball-point pen 圓珠筆

14 call sb at+電話號碼 打電話給某人

15 gold ring 金戒指

16 school ID card 校卡

17 See you later.=See you soon . 再見






一)在後面加s。如:fathers, books, Americans, Germans, apples, bananas

二)x, sh, ch, s, tch後加es。如:boxes, glasses, dresses, watches, wishes,faxes

三)1)以輔音字母加y結尾的變y爲i再加es 如:baby-babies, family-families, duty-duties,comedy-comedies, documentary-documentaries, story-stories

2)以元音字母加y結尾的直接加s。如:day-days, boy-boys, toy-toys, key-keys, ways

四)以o結尾加s(外來詞)。如:radios, photos, 但如是輔音加o的加es:如: tomatoes西紅柿, potatoes馬鈴薯

五)以f或fe結尾的變f爲v再加es(s)。如:knife-knives, wife-wives, half-halves,shelf-shelves, leaf-leaves, yourself-yourselves

六)單複數相同(不變的)有:fish, sheep, deer鹿子, Chinese, Japanese

七)一般只有複數,沒有單數的有:people,pants, shorts, shoes, glasses, gloves, clothes,socks

八)單詞形式不變,既可以是單數也可以是複數的有:police警察局,警察, class班,同學, family家,家庭成員

九)合成的複數一般只加主要名詞,多數爲後一個單詞。如:action movie-action movies, pen pal-pen pals;但如果是由man或woman所組成的合成詞的複數則同時爲複數。如:man doctor-men doctors, woman teacher-womenteachers

十)有的單複數意思不同。如:fish魚 fishes魚的種類, paper紙 papers報紙,卷子,論文, work工作 works作品,工廠,glass玻璃 glasses玻璃杯,眼鏡, orange桔子水 oranges橙子, light光線 lights燈, people人 peoples民族,time時間 times時代, 次數, chicken 雞肉 chickens 小雞

十一) 單個字母的複數可以有兩種形式直接加s或’s。如:Is (I’s), Ks (K’s)。但如是縮略詞則只加s。如:IDs, VCDs,SARs

十二) 特殊形式的有:child-children, man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, mouse-mice,policeman-policemen, Englishman-Englishmen



一)單數在後面加’s。如:brother’s, Mike’s, teacher’s

二)複數以s結尾的直接在s後加’,如果不是以s結尾的與單數一樣處理。如:Teachers’ Day教師節, classmates’;Children’s Day六一節, Women’s Day三八節

三)由and並列的名詞所有時,如果是共同所有同一人或物時,只加最後一個’s,但分別擁有時卻分別按單數形式處理。如:Mike and Ben’sroom邁克和本的房間(共住一間),Mike’s and Ben’s rooms邁克和本的房間(各自的房間)


項目 人稱代詞 物主代詞 指示代詞 反身代詞

人稱 主格 賓格 形容詞 名詞性

第一人稱 單數 I me my mine myself

複數 we us our ours ourselves

第二人稱 單數 you you your yours yourself

複數 you you your yours yourselves

第三人稱 單數 she her her hers herself

he him his his himself

it it its its this that itself

複數 they them their theirs these those themselves


A) 第三人稱單數


一)一般在詞後加s。如:comes, spells, waits, talks, sees, dances, trains

二)在x, sh, ch, s, tch後加es。如:watches, washes, wishes, finishes

三)1)以輔音字母加y結尾的變y爲i再加es。如:study-studies, hurry-hurries, try-tries

2)以元音字母加y結尾的直接加s。如:plays, says, stays, enjoys, buys

四)以o結尾加es。如:does, goes

五)特殊的有:are-is, have-has

B) 現在分詞


一)一般在後加ing。如:spell-spelling, sing-singing, see-seeing, train-training,play-playing, hurry-hurrying, watch-watching, go-going, do-doing

二)以不發音e的結尾的去掉e再加ing。如:dance-dancing, wake-waking, take-taking,practice-practicing, write-writing, have-having

三)以重讀閉音節結尾且一個元音字母+一個輔音字母(注意除開字母組合如show –showing,draw-drawing)要雙寫最後的輔音字母再加ing。如:put-putting, run-running, get-getting,let-letting, begin-beginning

四)以ie結尾的變ie爲y再加ing。如:tie-tying系 die-dying死 lie-lying 位於



一) 一般在詞後加er或est(如果是以e結尾則直接加r或st)。如:greater-greatest, shorter –shortest,taller –tallest, longer –longest, nicer- nicest, larger -largest

二)以重讀閉音節結尾且1個元音字母+1個輔音字母(字母組合除外,如few-fewer fewest)結尾的雙寫結尾的輔音再加er/est。如:big-bigger biggest, red-redder reddest, hot-hotter hottest

三) 以輔音字母+y結尾的變y爲i加er/est。如:happy-happier happiest, sorry-sorrier sorriest,friendly-friendlier friendliest(more friendly most friendly), busy-busierbusiest, easy-easier easiest


good/well - better best many/much - more most bad/ill – worse worst

little- less least old- older/elder oldest/eldest far- farther/furtherfarthest/furthest

5、數詞 (基變序,有規則;一、二、三,自己背;五、八、九、十二;其它後接th;y結尾,變爲i, eth跟上去。) first, second,third; fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth; seventh, tenth, thirteenth, hundredth;twenty-twentieth, forty-fortieth, ninety-ninetieth


