
雙語財經新聞 第86期:挖掘黃金

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When I was a young boy in Santa Cruz, California I used to help my Grandfather in the fields by his home. This was not his land but back in those days it was not unusual to barter with the neighbours to work it for them so he could grow the vegetables that he loved. He would then share them with the neighbour for payment. He grew corn, beans, peas, zucchini1, cucumbers and garlic. And nobody could grow bigger dahlias than my Grandfather.

ing-bottom: 100%;">雙語財經新聞 第86期:挖掘黃金
在我很小的時候,我的祖父家住在加利福尼亞的聖克魯斯城,我常常去祖父家 附近的田地裏幫他幹農活。儘管那塊田地是屬於祖父的鄰居,但在那個時候,鄰居之間作實物交易是很常見的,所以祖父也能在那塊田地種上自己喜愛的農作物。而 作爲報酬,在收割時祖父就與鄰居們一同分享果實。祖父通常種植玉米、大豆、豌豆、南瓜、黃瓜和大蒜。祖父的農藝很高超,就連他種的大麗花長得也要 比鄰居們種的高大許多。

As I worked along side him he used to love to tell this story of a man named Giuseppe (Joe) and his wife who moved to a new farm with their three sons. They were settling into the new community when a nearby farmer told Joe that there was gold in the dirt of his new property. Joe took that statement as that there was actual gold in the land. He thought to himself, “I have three healthy sons, I will tell them about it”. Indeed he told his sons that there was gold to be found in their new property. Needless to say his sons actually took charge of their personal enterprise right on their own land. They had visions of what they would do when they found gold. Each son had a different vision. For as young as they were, they set up quite a professional approach in the digging for gold.

當我在一旁幫祖父幹農活時,他總愛給我講一個名叫喬的一家人的故事。故事是這樣的:喬帶着妻子和他們的三個兒子搬到了一個新的農場。當喬一家人住進一個新社區以後,附近的一位農夫告訴喬說他的地 裏有黃金。喬聽後以爲這片土地有真的黃金存在,就在心裏暗想:我有 三個健壯狐子,我應該把這件事告訴他們。於是喬告訴他的兒子說, 在他們家的這塊新地產上可以找到黃金。不必說,他的兒子們立刻去地 裏挖掘黃金了,就好像把這件事當成了自己的事業一樣。他們幻想着找 到黃金以後去做什麼,但每一個人都有各自不同的夢想。因爲他們如此年輕,還提出一個相當專業的挖掘黃金的方法。

They began in one corner with a certain width3 and kept going until they got to the end. Once they got to the property line they would start another swath and go back the other direction. They began to realize that digging for gold was fun! This procedure went on for about six months and they still weren through going through the whole property.

他們先從一個角落開始挖掘,並以特定的一個寬度繼續向前挖,一 直挖到這塊土地的盡頭。他們漸漸覺得挖掘黃金這件事充滿了無窮的樂 趣!就這樣不知不覺,他們連續挖了六個月,仍然陶醉在擁有黃金以後的 美夢裏。

Meanwhile Joe thought he would plant some crops in the area where the dirt had been turned thoroughly. He planted corn, tomatoes, potatoesand onions. His sons continued to dig through the soil, determined to find gold. As more dirt was available, Joe planted more crops. An interesting point here is that Joe had never farmed before but it had always been a dream of his to do so.

與此同時,喬有了新的想法,他打算在這些徹底翻新過的土地上種 一些農作物。於是,他開始種玉米、西紅柿、馬鈴薯和洋蔥。而他的兒子們仍在這塊土地上繼續不停地挖掘着,一心想找到黃金。隨着可利用的土地越來越多,喬的農作物也越種越多。有趣的是,喬以前從來不會種田, 那似乎是他所不敢想象的,然而現在他卻做到了。

As each different crop became ready to be harvested4 Joe started to realize that there was more than he and his family could ever eat. One of Joe’s neighbours suggested that he set up a vegetable stand. Joe and his wife did that very thing. They called it Joe and Family Vegetables. Joe even had to leave some crops on the ground because he had more than enough to meet the demands at the vegetable stand.


What were Joe’s sons doing in the meantime? They were still working the land even after they had finished the entire parcel. They started once again in the original corner, working in the leftover plant material while they were still on their quest to find gold.

那麼與此同時,喬的兒子們在做什麼呢?他們仍然在這塊土地上挖 掘着黃金,甚至當所有的土壤都被翻過以後。他們在起初的角落裏又重新挖了起來,而這時地裏的莊稼已經收割完,他們在這塊留有農作物殘枝敗葉的土地上仍然繼續追逐着他們的黃金夢。

This process went on for years and Joe and his wife became quite wealthy from their little vegetable stand. They were even able to send their sons off to college simply because they wanted to find gold.

幾年過去了,喬和妻子靠着他們的那塊蔬菜地,已經變得相當富有。 他們甚至能供得起兒子去上大學,而不想再看到他們的兒子只想着挖黃金。

Remember at the beginning of the story when Joe was told by his new neighbour that there was gold in the land? Well, the truth is, Joe’s understanding of the English language was less than perfect. His new neighbour friend actually told him that his land had rich soil. So you can see where the concept of gold came in.

再讓我們回顧一下故事的開頭,不正是喬的新鄰居告訴他地裏出 黃金的嗎?然而,事實上是喬對英國的語言理解得還不夠透徹。他的新鄰居其實是說他那塊土地有肥沃的土壤,所以你應該知道黃金的概念來自 哪兒了吧。

Did Joe’s sons become slaves to the digging? No, they were inspired because they had visions of what money could do for them and did not focus on the money itself.

喬的兒子們成爲挖掘土地的奴隸了嗎?不,他們只是一味地幻想着 金錢能爲他們做什麼,並被無數個幻想所激勵,但從未考慮過獲取金錢的正確途徑。

Is there a way we can take this story to a higher level? Yes, the Universe provides us opportunity and sometimes dangles the carrot to inspire us. In essence, Joe’s sons were inspired with the possibility of finding gold in the soil. Some of you I’m sure will draw your own meaning, but here is one to consider. Go out and pretend that there is gold in all your challenges and setbacks so that you can be inspired to motivate yourself to allow the Universe to provide all that you need and then some.

我們對這個故事是否可以有一個更深刻的理解呢?答案是肯定的,這個世界提供給我們的機會有很多,然而,有時候上天對我們的這些賞 賜又是懸而未定的。事實上,喬的兒子們是被在土壤裏找到黃金的這種可能性所激勵。我相信,每一個人對此都有自己不同的理解,但有一點是值得大家借鑑的。面對挑戰與挫折時,假設它們當中也有“黃金”讓它激勵着你勇敢向前,讓這個世界爲你創造出你所需要的一切。



