
每天三分鐘學英語 第30期:外國人口語中that…thing到底是什麼意思?

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內容選自美劇《Modern Family》618

Claire: You cannot spend your entire spring break worrying about college admissions. You should go to that music festival thing with Haley.

每天三分鐘學英語 第30期:外國人口語中that…thing到底是什麼意思?

that…thing 口語化表達

Do you still have that bug bite thing? 你還有治蚊子包的那個東西嗎?

The pillow cover thing you gave me last time, what brand was it? 上次你給我的那個枕套是什麼牌子着?

The kid wants that robot thing for his birthday. What's it called? Transformers? 那個小孩子過生日要的那個機器人什麼的,是什麼,變形金剛嗎?

Don't you have that baby thing to go to with the girls? It's Karen right, who's pregnant? 你是不是要去嬰兒的那個聚會啊,Karen對吧,她是不是懷孕了?

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