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ing-bottom: 56.29%;">韓國民衆抗議日韓慰安婦協議

Hundreds of South Koreans held a sit-in on Wednesday in front of the Japanese embassy in Seoul to protest against this week’s landmark agreement with Japan aimed at resolving the longstanding dispute over second world war sex slaves.


Rallies have been held weekly in the South Korean capital since 1992 demanding a Japanese admission of responsibility and legal reparations for victims who were forced into sexual servitude for Japanese soldiers. Wednesday’s rally highlighted how Monday’s settlement was insufficient for many Koreans to bury the hatchet.


Under the accord, Japan offered to pay $8.3m into a fund for surviving victims based on “painful awareness” of its responsibilities for the system of forced prostitution, while Seoul promised not to press any future claims.


But many protesters said the agreement was “humiliating”, accusing the government of Park Geun-hye, South Korean president, of caving in to Tokyo.

不過,許多抗議者表示該協議“十分屈辱”,譴責韓國總統朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)領導的政府向日本政府屈服。

In line with previous statements from Tokyo, an apology from Shinzo Abe, Japanese prime minister, stopped short of taking full legal responsibility, admitting only the “involvement” of the country’s military authorities.

和日本政府此前聲明一樣,日本首相安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)發表的一份道歉並未承認全部法律責任,只是承認了日本軍方當局的“參與”。

“Abe has yet to realise what his country has done to us,” said Lee Yong-su, an 88-year-old former sex slave who joined the rally. “I am at a loss for words...吠梔椀猀 kind of irresponsible negotiation is like killing us twice, three times.”

在參加集會的人羣中,曾做過性奴的88歲老人李永洙(Lee Yong-su,音,上圖左二)表示:“安倍仍未認識到他的國家對我們做了什麼。我已經無話可說了……這種不負責任的談判就像是第二次、第三次殺害我們。”

Seoul said the deal was “final and irrevocable”, leaving little room for South Korea to pursue other historical disputes, such as compensation for labourers forced to work in Japanese wartime industries such as coal mining.


“Abe’s apology is just lip service. I don’t see anything more advanced than the Kono statement,” said Kwon Oh-hyun, a 79-year-old man participating in the rally, referring to the 1993 admission that Japan coerced many thousands of women into sexual servitude during the second world war. “It is humiliating to accept such a small donation from Japan in return for not raising the issue any more.”

參加集會的79歲男子權五鉉(Kwon Oh-hyun)表示:“安倍的道歉只是種應酬話。我沒看到任何比河野談話(Kono statement)更進一步的東西。”他指的是1993年日本承認在二戰期間脅迫成千上萬婦女提供性服務。“接受日方這麼點捐贈,換取我們不再提及此事,真是十分屈辱的。”

Many South Koreans suspect the US, which welcomed the deal, is behind the agreement. Washington has pushed for a rapprochement between its two Asian allies to guard against China’s rising power and North Korea’s nuclear ambitions.


Ms Park, who had refused to meet Mr Abe unless he showed sufficient remorse for Japan’s past wrongdoing, held her first bilateral talks with her Tokyo counterpart in November and agreed to push for a resolution in the comfort women dispute.



