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It's freezing out and we wish our homes could be a little warmer. And while we all know the standard practices from adjusting the thermostat to making sure our windows are sealed and lighting a fire, there are definitely some tricks we're missing.

1. Close off unused rooms.

Keeping doors closed won't just prevent cold air from moving into the rest of the house -- it will help contain the heat you.ve generated.


2. Set your ceiling fans to rotate clockwise.

Whether you know it or not, your ceiling fan needs to be changed seasonally. By setting them clockwise in the winter at a lower speed, you can drive warm air down towards you and your guests.

3. Change your sheets.

Again, sometimes simple is tremendously effective when it comes to keeping warm. Swap cotton for flannel sheets, grab a down comforter and don't forget about the value of extra blankets.

4. Add some layers to your floor.

Area rugs aren't just a way to add color and style -- they were invented for the practical reason of keeping your floors cozy. Floors account for as much as 10 percent of heat loss if they're not insulated, according to the National Energy Foundation, and rugs can be that missing insulation. They'll keep cool air from seeping up into the room, and your toes will definitely thank you.
區域地毯不僅可以使地面看起來有色彩層次,格調十足,還有很實際的作用——使你家的地板踩上去暖綿綿暖烘烘。根據英國國家能源基金會研究表明,因爲沒有對地板採取隔熱措施導致的熱量流失佔到了10%之多,而區域地毯正可以解決這一問題。地毯可以防止冷空氣滲入室內,你的腳趾一定會感激你的。5. Foil away.

Wasted heat means wasted money -- but a little DIY can always save the day. Putting tin foil behind the radiators in your home reflects heat back into the room, rather than allowing it to escape through the walls.

6. Turn off your bathroom fan.

And the one in your kitchen, for that matter! Exhaust fans in these rooms pull hot air that rises to the ceiling out of your home. If you must use them, turn them on sparingly and be sure to shut them off when you're done.

7. Try something old-fashioned.

Hot water bottles may seem old school, but hey, they still work. If you don't have those, running a hot pan over your sheets works, too.

8. Re-arrange your furniture.

Sitting by the window can cause radiant heat loss from your body to the glass and make you feel cold. To avoid this, make sure your furniture is not in front of a large window or pushed up against an outside wall. Additionally, avoid placing large pieces of furniture in front of radiators as the say, couch or sofa, will absorb the heat you want.

9. Worry about the person, not the bill.

Hats, cozy socks and turtleneck sweaters can all be good friends this season. And who doesn't love enjoying a good cup of hot cocoa by the fire? If done right, focusing on heating yourself can give you that warm feeling you've been missing while also helping slash those horror-inducing heating bills.


