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ing-bottom: 66.56%;">初二英語下冊知識點歸納



1. Anything wrong? 有什麼麻煩嗎?

此句爲省略句,完整的句子是:Is there anything wrong?

e.g. Is there anything wrong with your head? 你的頭有什麼毛病嗎?

2. I’m sorry to hear that. 很抱歉聽到這個消息。

be sorry to do sth. 很抱歉做某事;

e.g. I’m very sorry to keep you waiting so long. 很抱歉讓你等這麼久。

3. What seems to be the problem? 到底是怎麼回事?

4. She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the Englishexam.因爲考不好,她在洗手間裏哭呢。

badly爲副詞,修飾動詞的副詞通常放在被修飾的動詞之後。如:listen carefully, read quickly等。do badly in在……方面做得不好,與do well in意思相反。

e.g. Why do you think you did so badly in your text? 你認爲爲什麼你考得這麼差?

He did very well in English when he was young. 他小時候就很擅長英語。

5. She is very strict with herself. 她對自己要求很嚴格。

A. be strict with sb. 對……要求嚴格,後面接人作賓語。

e.g. The teacher is strict with us. 老師對我們要求很嚴格。

B. be strict about/in sth. 在……方面要求嚴格;

e.g. His father is strict with him about/in study.


6. She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with.她感到很寂寞,因爲沒有朋友可以聊天。


give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth.把某物給某人;

pass sth. to sb.=pass sb. sth.把某物傳給某人。

e.g. He will send a postcard to his mother on Mother’s Day

=He will send his mother a postcard on Mother’s Day.


Could you give me that pen?= Could you give that pen to me?


He passed the camera to her, so she could take a photo.

=He passed her the camera, so she could take a photo.


B. send sb./sth. to do sth. 送某人/物做某事;

e.g. I’ll send some workers to help you.我叫幾個工人去幫助你。

9. You don’t need to worry about the English exam. 你沒必要爲英語考試擔心。

need 需要,在此作實義動詞,也可以作情態動詞。

A. need作實義動詞時,同其他實義動詞一樣,有人稱和時態的變化,其疑問和否定形式都要藉助於助動詞do/does/did。

e.g. Do you need any help? 你需要幫忙嗎?

I don’t need your help, thank you. 謝謝,我不需要你來幫助。

B. need在疑問句和否定句中可以作情態動詞並且沒有數和人稱形式變化,後面接動詞原形,其否定形式爲need not/need’t。

e.g. He need not take the exam. 他不必參加考試。

10. Try to talk to others, and you’ll be happy again.試着去和別人談談心,你就會重新快樂起來。




much太多 down躺下

a dentist看牙醫

an X-ray做個X光檢查

one’s temperature量體溫

some medicine on…在…上敷藥

a fever發燒

computer games玩電腦遊戲


breaks/take a break休息

11 without thinking twice沒多想

12 go to doctor看醫 off下車

the hospital送某人去醫院


one’s surprise使…驚訝的;

ks to多虧;由於 time及時

k about考慮

a heart problem患有心臟病

to到達 t away立刻;馬上

into trouble造成麻煩(或煩惱)

the right thing做正確的事

down摔倒 soccer踢足球

…on sth.把…放在某物上

28.a few幾個;少數 in進來


interested in對…感興趣

used to習慣於 use of因爲

risks/take a risk冒險

one’s life失去生命


